Glastonbury is always a good week, but this year, with the added benefit of some sunshine and an absence of any mud it was exceptional.
Being part of the Oxfam team that stewards the arrival of workers means that our shifts are completed by Wednesday morning before the gates open to the public and despite being fostered for three night shifts I was up and raring to go on Thursday. The festival site feels so much bigger when the sun shines. It"s more spacious because there is, simply, more space for people to use. This makes for a much more relaxing time and it is so much easier to just wander through the areas up by the railway track and beyond.
Musical highlight was of course being in the front of the crowd for The Stones. If you watched their set on tv and thought it lacked something you"re right. It lacked the other hour and a half that they did. Trust me, from where I stood, they put on a fabulous show.
Poker? Didn"t play any for a fortnight. Not even a HU v Lucy. Which at least saved me another beating.
Returned to action at the G on the following Thursday and the break appears to have done me good. I"m playing a more disciplined style lately and it"s paying off. A succession of final tables and, i think because I am perceived as reluctant to deal, I"m getting some great deals in terms of equity.
Eg £10rb
Chopped 5ways - stacks 80, 60, 40, 40, and me with 24 . Deal done £230, £210, £190, £190, and I got £180. And they say I never deal.....

Missed out on the money on the £100 last weekend although I did get half my entry back from my 10% swap with Brian and managed to scoop a ridiculous pot on the cash table which more than covered my day.
My decent run in that tournament was derailed by Brian as reported in his Fossil"s Tales. Suffice to say that I took it quietly and shoving Q5ss the next hand wasn"t in any way indicative of me being tilted...
Another deal done on the FT of the Tuesday game where one of the regs who was second at that stage was so keen to deal that four ways he took £400 leaving £435 for two of us and £500 for the monstrous chip leader.
It can"t last forever but while it does I"m happy to keep losing myself in the poker...
This weekend I"m off to Sheffield to steward at Tramlines but will be driving over to Nottingham this evening to play a live Day1 for the last of the their Summer Deepstacks.
I played online on Monday and made the last 7 but couldn"t quite make the push to be one of the three to progress. I did get my entry refunded though under the 10% rounded down rule hence another shot tonight. I am, I think, much better love than I am online. Making Day 2 would guarantee £300 and give me a shot at £12500 so I"m looking to bring my A game to it tonight.
I"ve rambled on enough.