Something to report finally.
Haven"t played much poker of any description over the past weeks. The DTD/Party cent rolls have become even more of a lottery with c80 runners competing for the one seat now. Seems a waste of time so unless I find myself with a lot of that I won"t be bothering. I have a few $5.50 and two $22 tickets we"ll see how they go.
I did play the APAT satellite two Thursday"s ago and managed to do a win without really ever being in trouble. Everything just fell into place for me throughout.
Which brings me to the weekend just gone and a trip to Aspers ink Newcastle for the UK Championship.
This was a fabulous event. Ignoring the late start everything was well organised and the dealers were outstandingly good. On a par with DTD IMHO. Valets were brilliant too - and appropriately dressed (take note Mr Yong, valets don"t have to flash legs and cleavage to keep customers happy. They just need to be around, take orders and bring the drinks/food to the table in a reasonable time)
We started a little late, which was quite good for me since I had only arrived with 15mins to spare due to my satnav and Newcastle"s one way system not fully understanding each other...
A few highlights
NB some bet sizes may not be 100% accurate, my memory isn"t what it was.
First hand, the very first hand, I get comfy in my seat, sort my stack and find two black aces. Visions of a very early exit cross my mind.
I"m seat 4 and the button is seat 9 I think. Anyway, seat 3 makes it 150, I pause and make it 425, seat 7 makes it 1200...
Oh my, what have got into here?
Folds back to me and I contemplate flatting for deception but decide that a raise is in order (obviously never folding). I make 3400 and seat 7 dwells up and folds KK face up.
I announce that "I hate jacks" but I don"t think anyone was convinced.
Had a great run of cards from there in. Raised 44 and made a house on the turn which I got paid for.
Had AA V KK BvB all in pre ( SB 4bet jammed about 15k at 100/200)
Made a rivered nut flush vs a big pair where I don"t think I should still have been in the hand by the river, but, hey ho, I won the pot

Got to the dinner break as chip leader with 105k and then had a steady decline in stack till close of play ending with 58k.
Day 2 to follow