It"s been an interesting week so far..
The rains on Monday led to the watercourse at the bottom of Lucy"s street flooding and left over a foot and a half of water in her house.
Until you"ve been there you can"t begin to imagine how utterly depressing it is to walk into a flood-damaged house.
I barely have words to describe it.
The local council are still, two days after the event, contemplating their response...
On the plus side, the roofing problem seems likely to be less expensive than we"d feared and could be sorted this week.
Poker-wise, I had a fun session on the 25/50p table on Tuesday.
We started three handed, one of the locals who just loves to play and is a very easy read and a youngish lad I hadn"t played with before.
We played mostly small pots, it took a while for the rake to reach £5, but my stack was growing and theirs diminishing.
Eventually we got to a proper game when Dan, the villain from Thursday"s game, joined us along with a few others.
Dan is an online MTT grinder who enjoys his cash game. Active, thinking, and fun to have at the table.
He found a 5 bet jam with A5 vs my KK to donate his first buyin and all the big pots seemed to involve him and me.
Three stand out
1: I raise J 10 on the button to £3, he raises SB to £6 and I call in position.
Flop 10QJ, checked to me, I bet £8, he calls.
Turn 10, he checks, I bet £12, he raises to £32, I move all in and he tank folds g K 10 ...
2: I raised

from BB to £3, he again raises to £6 and I call.

I bet £9, he calls.

and he says, "that"s a bad card for me"...
I check call £18

- - - yes, i know, mbsfn, a second live Royal Flush in 4 months...
I check, there"s four clubs on the board and he folds pretty readily if he has no club and given his style I think he is likely to rep the flush or the A or the straight, or it"s even possible he actually has one of those hands or a full house with A10/AK...
Damn his eyes he checked behind and turned over A3.

I did get a letter from the card room manager giving me a free meal for two in the restaurant though

3: again me v Dan. We both called a small raise, me with A4, him with 78 and got it all in on the turn when the board read 6544.... The river bricked

Overall a winning night and I"m sure Dan and I have lots more pots to play in the weeks and months to come.
G looks likely to benefit from the fallout from Dealergate at Gala where there have been accusations and rumours floating around one of the long term dealers there. I"m repeating nothing until it"s been verified but if true, it"s pretty shocking stuff.