Hi all, here are the results after week two"s game
National Online League - Results and Table
Matchday 2
Team Points
Position Region Points
1 Scotland 5 pts
2 London 4 pts
3 South East 3 pts
4 Wales 2 pts
5 Ireland 1 pt
Individual Result
Pos Name PokerStars ID Region Points Team Points
1 Gilby Fraurabid Scotland 25 25
2 Lee Mardon leepmar82 South East 22 22
3 Shaun Herran TheBigSting London 20 20
4 Simon Brooke Simonb1980 London 18 18
5 Stephen Morris goddelusion Wales 16 16
6 Brian Frew Kronsdat Ireland 14 14
7 Adam Small Zippy Khatru Scotland 12 12
8 Pierre Possi Possiworld66 Europe 11 11
9 Johnny Barr Jaybles91 Scotland 10 10
10 Paul Taylor Claret1 North West 9 9
11 Kathryn Johnson katos1 North East 9 9
12 flowquietly UnRegistered 0 0
13 John Hubbard hubbard02 East Midlands 9 9
14 Ian Thompson TRIGGER1964 South East 7 7
15 Baljinder Powar shozboy East Midlands 7 7
16 John Patten Kloobes South West 7 7
17 Alexander Currie heatheriLYG Scotland 5 5
18 Denis Corcoran denspoker London 5 5
19 Gareth Fry asperiguess North East 5 5
20 Nick Avery oznick4259 Ireland 3 3
21 David Blacklaw 4ththistle Scotland 3 3
22 Jo Gregory Scarletter London 3 3
23 Maxine Mckinlay maxine4matt West Midlands 3 3
24 Matthew Pitt Yorksh1rePud Yorkshire and Humber 3 3
25 Robert Stewart blixin Scotland 1 0
26 Wayne Parker nosey-p Yorkshire and Humber 1 1
27 Marcin Rejmak rejmak Yorkshire and Humber 1 1
28 Eddie Constable XEXDXDXIXEX North East 1 1
29 Jason Stephens Raypokerjnr Wales 0 1
30 Mark Hill blackpuma909 Wales 0 0
31 Lee Stavers Troystheboy North East 0 0
32 Keith Williams cohanjam Wales 0 0
33 Nick Grey NickFlick111 London 0 0
34 Dave Allan dasertr North West 0 0
35 Phil Colls Spirey North West 0 0
36 Kieran Miller miller424 Wales 0 0
37 Phil Tompkinson Katiethefish North East 0 0
38 Ally Al-Mufti est_1986AD Wales 0 0
39 Colin James DonColino South East 0 0
40 Rory Dawson RosyITB East of England 0 0
Scotland 55pts
London 46pts
South East 29pts
Wales 17pts
Ireland 17pts
East Midlands 16pts
North East 15pts
Europe 11pts
North West 9pts
South West 7pts
Yorkshire and Humberside 5pts
West Midlands 3pts
Still gutted from last night as hubbard02 came in 13th and shozboy (who lost 100k) on a coin flip came in 15th, if he won the flip we would of scored our first points but hey ho.
We have proved that even though we have a small team we have the quality, we just need to make sure we all turn out for as many of these games possible.
Anyway... well done to all that played, thanks and now looking forward to next sunday