Hey all,
We all play poker to enjoy the game we love and potentially make some money. We all have different styles and different appraoches to each tournament/hand we play and although we may not agree with another persons approach to each hand or tournament we must accept it as their style of play. We will all recieve that inevitable bad beat from the "donk" as we see it but we must accept it and move on. Giving players abuse for an unorthodox play that "got lucky" just isn"t part of the game and casts dark shadows over what should be an enjoyable experience.
APAT prides itself on creating tournaments that are friendly and builds a community to play both live and online in good clean fun and friendly environments so as part of APAT we should uphold that sense good nature and join in the fun, take the rough with the smooth and just generally enjoy every tournament, live and online, in the good spirit APAT created them for.
Also remember when you play for team Scotland you represent team Scotland so keep the good name intact

I"ll leave you with the quote from APAT....
"One thing that I would ask in return, is that we remember that "everyone" sitting at your table will be an APAT member and it is essential that we treat each other with respect - something that APAT is famed for. I"m sure I don"t need to say it, but there will be zero tolerance of anyone who fails in this requirement."