@ approx 34% total of the chips if David was to get like a turtle and just fold to say the last 4 with the blind sizes, obv the others will be chipped up, will this increase the chances of getting 1 of the 2 seats or decrease his chances [over a large sample say]
what is the best strategy? open raise every time its folded to u [even better if the shorties were to your right as now u would be able to put the pressure on the medium+ stacks, who are the nits? etc etc
HoldemResources.net Resultswowser...
click and experiment with these ranges, how many would push as wide as suggested?
the variance would be interesting

see below for constant 50/50 variance coinflips, its no wonder that u can get bogged down with a few bad beats

if u took millions of coin flips your variance could look like this

of course it will return to zero but only if you was specifically getting into coinflips

very good post on edge that gets the brain matter ticking over
http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/36/stt-strategy/3-5k-post-edge-really-edge-743669/"Sh-it Out of Luck."
Yes the ABCs and 123s were the first things you learned and forever relied on to forge ahead in your life quest. But if you didn't bother to try and expand on that foundation, you would be stuck in kindergarten. I think the same can be said for entry level poker players. They get introduced to the game, learn their ABCs and 123s, have the strong desire and willingness to learn but are not willing to think outside the box for the fear of making mistakes or losing money. If this is you let me tell you now that playing A.B.C will leave you S.O.L
For all the exposure that I've had over the years dealing with players at all buy-in levels, the one thing that seems to fade away as the stakes get higher is the notion of being card dead. This is a favorite topic for the low to micro level players and just doesn't seem to exist at high stakes. I believe this is because the talent level rises as the stakes get higher, and as the lower level player is waiting for opportunities the high stakes player is busy creating them.
Sitting around waiting for the cards to come is just a form of ABC poker and being timid to make moves and not tapping into your creative side will see a lifetime of mediocre/breakeven play which in the long run will just see you broke and S.O.L.
don"t be spewy BUT please do not get all turtle like