is flatting an option ?
suited broadways make far better calling hands when out of position in spots/situations like this imho...
After flop should i lead out
as played leading out is the better option [have a think about what sort of bet sizing is best for manipulation] if villain 2bets the flop then at this sort of stack size close to the FT i"d 3bet jam, i wouldn"t expect a huge amount of folds from the villain BUT you wil get some folds from some random bluffs or some tight spewy nits with JJ maybe even QQ might find a fold

u still have around 40% equity versus villains get it in flop range of sets and over pairs on this texture.. with a double up @ this stage u can coast to the FT and beyond

if u call pre and this sort of low co-ordinated ish texture flops [or 864ccx for example etc] because many of a player will open a wide range from late position if u check and villain checks behind its not a flop texture that gets slowplayed very often, over pairs,two pair or a set will lead out as from his point of view this should be hitting a lot of your calling range in the BB.. [making a assumption here that down to the last 15 in a $30 MTT that villain is at least competent

i suppose we are in the capped range theory area, check raise turn if villain bets out on most turn cards as he will very seldom have anything stronger than one pair and u can rep a missed check raise on the flop, this should be +ev imo and even if villain calls the re-raise a large river bet will get a hell of a lot of folds..
if we have to have a 3bet range oop versus a unknown opening from the button i think i"d prefer to be polarised....
all other scenarios i"ll leave out

or it will be another essay...

nice post btw, plenty of things to take/discuss from it...