We have these people that have said they would try and play this year. Some of you please try harder

Swinebag22, duke3016, amcgrath1uk, ScouseBill, scouse3465, Pauletweroper, OnlyOneCT, ian.ski309, Mikeyboy9361, Joobie538, black_mage, panda, cathpoker, sharplea, NoCash, Supernova, mouth146, Elvis79, vulcan107, sharky_uk, chip_chik, Bluffer, Burnleymik, Robbiebox, onetime79, Destroyer316, Doggsy28, furnesspoker, Paully28, birdy1989, smeghead, Brendoni, TheEngine, adoolan, dsweaver, blueAl, harrybr, manlikepd, CrimsonLash, TPS72,SteveTheRake, Eyeofsauron, davesharps, yoozer, Billwillo, Snapper84, TIB, happynige, Hulmer, teddy, archie, jansen1978, prince01, AJDUK, blowfly, jackhammer, Sharkey, Murph, Stratosphere, Wardville, El Kidda, GfoRce009, jizxx1, WASP, stuirv, wolfy, Arnie188, Antboy18, spudgun007, stpokered, Greeny1985, zozzy, sargebobby, Spirey, Reg, Szekolades ,Animal Magic, robmcg01, Butch, stickb72, MrCandB, RiverAsUsual, marsatta, tallpaul, tomhibb146, taximan33, Glenbuck, Betfair_Dave, lucan11