Not had a home game for ages. We got a bit fed up cos we only had 4 or 5 every week and it got a little "stale".
We used to play NLHE tournies. 100 chips, 1/2 blinds doubling every 20 mins. We based it on a Prima SnG, which was all we knew at the time.
Play down the local now every Sunday afternoon/night (and occasionally through til dawn if it"s a bank holiday

- it"s like a home game - between 6 and 12 players generally the same faces but occasionally some fresh blood just to keep it interesting. We play a NLHE cash game so people can come and go as they choose. Most sit down with £40 and the blinds are £0.25/£0.50 nominally (I say nominally because a hefty raise won"t shift a lot of the fishier players and it"s not unusual to have a pre-flop pot of £12-15 with 5 or 6 players in it

Can"t knock it though as I"m about £800 up over the last 2 months

Anyone in the west Leicestershire area PM me if you"re interested in joining us.