Author Topic: Poker Software  (Read 8598 times)

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Re: Poker Software
« Reply #15 on: October 14, 2007, 23:16:30 PM »
I downloaded PokerTracker when Daniel Negreanu mentioned it in as article around 9 months ago. My thinking behind this was that if Pros and my opponents are using it, am I missing an opportunity?

I managed to download and integrate it with FullTilt and but I have to say that I found it anything but straight forward to set up or easy to use. More features become unlocked when you purchase the code but I wasn"t impressed enough to invest in it.

More recently I downloaded PokerWingman after seeing an advert on the InsidePoker website. This was very easy to install and use and it ran pretty well for the 3 days I used it on PS. I found it was slowing things down too much on my PC (I usually have around 5 work related windows open at the same time) and it regularly "advised me" to fold very playable hands. Again, when you upgrade to Pro, more facilities become available to you including being able to program it to guide you on how to play more aggressively or passively. I have not subscribed to this either.

PokerOffice doesn"t look all that good to me and, as reviews are not too great and as I"ve been unable to download a trial version, I won"t be investigating this one any further.

FYI, I used to find out what was available and what was rated by other users. I might investigate PokerAce and PokerTracker again on UKChamp"s advice but I remain unconvinced.


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Re: Poker Software
« Reply #16 on: October 17, 2007, 13:50:37 PM »
You are right Neil, it is a pain to get set up and is rather complex, but with perseverance it can be a useful tool once you get used to the interface and the myriad of options. It"s not an instant fix though, it requires time away from the table to analyse and go over the results to reap the benefits. It doesn"t give advice on how to play specific hands, so the analysis is all down to you.

I would say that in general it is of only limited use for tournament players, but if you play cash, especially if you regularly find yourselves up against the same opponents, then it can pay dividends. Also useful for analysing your own play to see what types of hands you are perhaps mis-playing etc. Combined with the HUD it can bring benefits at the table itself, if you have enough data in your DB on your opponents it can give you good insight into their playing styles and you can adapt accordingly.

At the end of the day, the cost of the software can be covered pretty quickly by a couple of STT cashes or a successful hour on the cash tables, I reckon it"s worth it if you have the time and inclination to make the most of it...




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Re: Poker Software
« Reply #17 on: February 01, 2008, 15:39:42 PM »
Just to let people here know, I never use any real-time software on-line because I feel that it would "hurt" my live game.  Maybe this is why I am losing on-line.  lol  (Winning live though, don"t worry.)

I do use statistics software to check my ROI% and see graphics and such.  I wrote it myself and its 100% free to use for anyone.  Simply visit and check out the tracker.

For those amongst you that are using PT (PokerTracker), you may be interested in a little program I wrote for data mining.  Check out but beware; its not free.  It only works for iPoker clients of which BlueSquare is one.
