Author Topic: Worst call or did he put me on bare lo draw omaha h/l  (Read 7739 times)

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Re: Worst call or did he put me on bare lo draw omaha h/l
« Reply #15 on: May 21, 2012, 19:21:53 PM »

I"m with Steve on this one with regards to PL as opposed to NL.
I"m with Paulie And Mark, re: Daft shove, even if he has been a dope on previous hands, ie even a blind squirrel etc.
I"m with Grant, yes the boy is a D#@K.

I"m not however with Rob on this occasion, as Carl"s post has value for him, in that he may have had the obvious pointed out to him. ie, I"m sure he won"t be shoving with two pair again? at least i hope not Carl ;D  So i think it has turned out to be a little more than a bad beat story.

No offence Rob, and whatsmore i think Carl should still give you 50p when you next meet ;D ;D

Thanks for the replies guys all input is appreciated  :)... It may of come across as I was posting it as a bad beat, this is not the case, I just wanted thoughts on the villains thinking? Yes he had been a complete turd all tourney and I had been targeting him from this point.. I"m never folding two pair on that flop to this guy obv I play it different versus a player who has a clue. My read was infact correct as if he had any Ace in his hand he ships pre, he had done this every time HU versus me.. Ok apart from the case Q or running fives I lose in this scenario, which obv happened.. But my question was from his thinking point of view? Is it machoism and thinks because of our earlier tangles he put me on a bare lo draw because I never raised pre, thinking I had 2/4/*/*  .. Thus thinking his QQ is good?

As for N/L Hi-lo yeah it can be messy  :) I like both PL and NL hate FL we all have our own vices I just like the action I guess.
It has been pretty profitable for me on Stars +64% ROI mostly coming from NL.. so will continue to play it until I grow up lol

Thanks again for the replies
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