Cheers for the support guys, sadly I busted half way through level 6 (at least I made the antes this time) in about 950th.
3k chips to begin. Starting table was soft, picked up an early double flatting a raise in position with AK. In a 5 way pot the flop is AK4. Checked to me, I bet, get called by the SB. He then check-commits himself on turn 9 and I get it in vs his AQ.
Unfortunately got moved to table with Craig McCorkell 3 to my right (who I used to play with in Southampton - small world) and Andrew Teng 2 to my left. Chipped up to 12k however going into the 100/200 level. AK didn"t miss for me all tournament and the only time it did it was vs Andrew Teng who I felt comfortable hero-calling with Ace-high in a 3bet pot.
Key hand was McCorkell raising to 400 at 100/200 from UTG+1. A German guy who"d made one really random move (raises pre, before 3bet shoving a QT9 board with little FE vs UTG limp-caller, gets a fold, shows a 4) flats out of his 5.6k stack. I 3bet to 1150 with AQo. McCorkell snap folds and German guy shoves. Easy call, he has 77 and every other high card comes out on the KJ589 board. Win that flip and I"m just under 20k (about 3 times average) - reckon I"m odds-on to cash with that stack. Had an awesome table and decent seat to be a big stack.
Leaves me with 6.5k (~30BBs), and given the stack sizes around I pretty much have to nit up, so of course I go card dead. Drop 1500 with K7 v A7 on 97432 board and do the rest making a loose 3jam with A7 vs CL uber LAG who"d opened EMP. He took over a minute to call with 88 at least. I brick and that"s it.
Haven"t won a flip all trip so far, which sucks.
So my third bracelet attempt ends in a bust. First time I treble up before losing KK v TT and two flips. Second time I double up before losing a flip and then running QQ into KK. Am fed up of getting a stack in these and hitting a brick wall halfway through day 1. Felt so fecking comfortable, even against the pros