It"s been a pretty historical week in my life as it has been for many this week. I"ve witnessed the Queens Diamond Jubilee, Seen the olympic flame pass by my very eyes just mere feet away and I have managed to read papers leading up to an international euro competition where it hasn"t been all "England are going to win" headlines. I"m especially glad my son Ben got to be part of these once in a lifetime scenarios and young enough to maybe even make them twice in a lifetime. You never know.
Last weekend was filled with celebrations for the Queens jubilee, with everyone having a good time wether celebrating the Queen or just celebrating the long weekend off work. Either way everyone seemed in high spirits.
The week started off well, also in good spirits as we celebrated my dads 55th birthday on the same night Scotland took back top spot in the APAT league with an unyielding win last Sunday and I personally had my highest place finish in this tough league so far. I felt a bit ignorant taking my laptop to my sisters house to play while the party was going on but when explained they understood and it didn"t stop me joining in the festivities.
Monday came and surprisingly hangover free we decided it was a nice enough day to take a trip to largs for the day, done a bit of family visiting then down to the promenade for Ben to relieve me of money for the fair, arcade, ice cream n sweets. Played some football, skimmed some stones and had a good family day out.
The rest of the week was pretty quiet until Thursday where I went to the Alea for some much needed live poker and met up with a couple of APATers 1 of which I met for the first time and, as expected and like everyone else, was a really nice guy. As far as the poker was concerned it was a semi-decent game with some much wanted pre flop mistakes made by others but unfortunately the poker gods seemed to like thier style of fishing for instance my aggressively played

4bet preflop was called and beaten by

on a

taking me to 6k stack (start stack 15k) I managed to spin my 6k back to 45k by the time it got to the 2nd break after calling a flat/3bet all in just before it on the button with

which was a tough call cause the guy mde the same move with aces earlier in the tournament against someone anyway he turned over

and I flopped 245 and turned 3 then, just incase, rivered J. With around 30/102 players left and 35k (average) I bust in 2 hands.... blinds 1k/2k I get

on BB, MP (loose aggressive) flats with around 15k behind (something not right I think to myself) so It"s folded to me and just check. Flop comes

(can I be behind here) I think no so in goes the chips he insta calls with

and sure enough turn

. 2 hands later I jam button with

and called by

and the rest is history... GG.
Although I was unwell Friday I took my boy to see the olympic flame passing by which again was amazing (I"ll post a couple of pics shortly) everyone was having fun and it was a good afternoon. I just wish I wasn"t ill at the time. The parade was fun to watch,everyone was waving thier flags, cheering and generally enjoying the occassion.
So on to today i was getting a bit worried earlier, I had a power cut (the whole town and surrounding 3 towns as far as i"m aware) No tv, no internet, my phone was nearly out of battery and even with battery had no signal my back up dongle had no internet signal. I started to try and think if I knew anyone Amish that could help me cope without technology. It was a scary 45 mins i don"t mind telling you!! I also started freaking out incase it wasn"t back on in time for the league tonight. The laptop was off to save power for at least a little play tonight (dongle permitting). Hungry and in need of a cuppa I wondered how long it would take to boil a cup of water and cook some toast with a lighter!?!?!? Deciding this would be an unbelievably idiotic task i started reading. After about 45 minutes the electricity came back on..... YAY all good!!! WRONG now virgin was down and I had no internet and no tv (dongle still wasn"t working) so I decided to brainstorm while making a fry up and a cuppa. After many attempts of using facebook on my phone to ask if anyone elses virging was not working I finally got it posted. I also decided to phone virgin who said "it might be a problem in your area but we will send an engineer" nice one!!! "tomorrow afternoon" NNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Anyway after all that everything came back on about an hour later and I am calm again.
What did we do before technology??
Anyway, I have rambled on on for much longer than I intended to so I hope I aint bored you too much.
Til next time