Hello there fellow pokerinos (yeah it"s a word)

It"s been a quiet beggining to 2013 especially on the poker side of things. With having no internet since mid December and becoming extremely annoyed with a certain provider, who I can only assume have made enough money from my first months overvalued tv package that they feel they no longer need my custom from their phone and broadband services. Back to virgin it is then!
Anyway As I said it"s been a quiet start I have played only 2 blackbelt league tournaments online using my phone as a wifi hotspot but that aint quite cutting it tbh so i"m not quite sure when you will be taking my donations again. I have not been on the forum much at all either (apologies oh wise leaders) and after going through a few threads it seems I have a lot to catch up on. I look forward to hours of reading. Red bull (with vodka mixer) and boost bars at the ready.

I am really looking forward to WCOAP and cant wait to catch up with you bad lot again.
So there was just a couple of random thoughts, basically just to say hello n i"m still here lurking in the shadows.
Hope you"re all still owning the live and virtual felts and i"ll see you all soon.