Communities > Wales

Week 13


Right it"s that time again this Sunday
So get registered !!!!
We have gone top and we want to stay there  :D ;D
Well done to all last week great result but we must repeat it this Sunday so
7 pm- apatmember
Let"s keep it going  :)

Right , not the best result for us last night , but all is not lost ???
we still have 2 games to go and we are only 4 points behind the scots !!!

so remember next sunday 7pm - apatmember
good luck and come on the welsh ;D

It doesn"t help when you knock your team mates  out. Having three bet you pre and then having their all in re raise called on an 8 high board.(Overpairs, sets etc). Anyway calling three bet OOP was really funny Gary with ?? K-8 or J-8?? can"t remember.

;D :D ;D Good result coming 9th BTW, keep it up Gary, hopefully you can grab one of the top spots for a seat?

Funnily enough the week before i had Three Welsh on my table including Our captain. I had every BB,SB, Button, C/off and most Hijacks raised on me by fellow team mates. Also some raises called oop and bet into on the flop?? When their stack was more than twice mine?? I can only think people are unaware that i am in the welsh squad, or they obviously have it every time (K-8)"s included... ;D ;D

I am really struggling to see where the "Team bit" fits in...... Rant Over :)

To be honest Paul can"t remember the hand but sorry lol
Not sure what u are on stars so my fault  :-\
Wish we were able to put on our names what team we are from but ????
I play the cards and most of the time not very well lolol
Will try and be more aware for next week  :P
Also had a few team mates re-raise me with good cards and had to fold but there again I have gone
All in as well , did have  Ac ad1 lol


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