Hi all,
Its all change at the top with Wales swapping places with Scotland in the league.
We have our own interest as our top player (at the mo) John Hubbard has a realistic chance of gaining the individual title if he has a strong finish with 3 games to go. I hope that you guys are watching him as a place in the England team event could come beckoning in the future months. I will be backing him in future lol
Good luck to our players who play on sunday, lets try a get a midtable place and make a strong challenge for next season (hopefully)
Here are the league standings and players table after last weeks game 12
Pos Region Points
1 Wales 45
2 Scotland 44
3 North East 20
4 West Midlands 18
5 South East 14
6 North West 11
7 Yorkshire and Humber 7
8 East of England 6
9 East Midlands 4

- London 4
- South West 4
12 Europe 2
13 Ireland 1
Name PokerStars ID Region Points
Stephen Morris goddelusion Wales 62
Tom Clark LombBomb Scotland 56
Rhys Langley Rhyslang 88 Wales 53
Gina Weiss plstarshine Europe 48
Ricky Jones bubbba82 Wales 46
Dan Carpenter chirpster Wales 46
Dan Patterson Fatpant North East 45
Paul Foy foyie West Midlands 44
John Hubbard hubbard02 East Midlands 43

( come on mate!

Lee Mardon leepmar82 South East 42
David Langley Pokerkid2104 Wales 41
Phil Colls Spirey North West 37
Luke Davies LUKEBOY88 Wales 36
James Gregory noblelocks East of England 36
Johnny Barr Jaybles91 Scotland 34
Carl Whitehouse WH1TEHORSE West Midlands 33
Gillian Collins Fraurabid Scotland 32
John Patten Kloobes South West 32
Paul Taylor Claret1 North West 31
Peter Newton stumpyn North East 31
Gary Philips bear21-07 Wales 31
Zoe Orton-Jay ZoeRiZZO Wales 31
Steve Roderick 33teetwo33 Wales 30