Author Topic: Should i have got away from this  (Read 14120 times)

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Should i have got away from this
« on: June 03, 2012, 10:20:25 AM »
My first run in the Genting and biggest tourney i have played made day 2 with 53K and ran it up to 80k in first hour , dont want this to sound like a bad beat story, but want to learn from this so wondering if there is anyway i could have got away from it , obv a huge overbet by me after flop , but thinking behind it was that i had a chance of a double up to give me double average stack.

I had  Kd Kc on button , blinds 2000/1000 folded to me i raise to 80000 Sb folds , BB calls - flop  7s  5h 8s  , he checks I shove 70K he is massive stack just came to table , thinking AK, AQ and he has missed flop he instant calls with  9d 6h  , nut straight and i am out.

No info on his type of play as just seated at table he must have had about 200k .

So inexperience on my part? i can see a huge overbet by me possible not the right play by me , but to be fair turn cam dud no A  on river either so think my chip smayhave been in either way.

opinions guys please
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Re: Should i have got away from this
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2012, 10:34:12 AM »
You know I am possibly not the best person to comment but I reckon you just got coolered he took a punt with a huge stack and got lucky. No regrets big man just dust yourself down and head first again.


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Re: Should i have got away from this
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2012, 10:41:26 AM »
Rather than shoving I"d prefer a 20k cbet - give him the opportunity to check raise light. If called I jam turn unless I have a very good reason not to - there aren"t many of these good reasons.

Either way, I"m getting it in at some point most likely. He"s terrible, and you"re unlucky.

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Re: Should i have got away from this
« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2012, 10:42:28 AM »

Firstly why raise so big preflop? 5k is plenty.

He makes a fairly loose peel, though has good implied odds (as his hand can flop big) and is unlikely to get in trouble post flop as he can easily throw one pair hands away.

What are you trying to achieve by your shove?

What hands do you think you will get a call from that you beat?

What do you put in his range?

IMO you have totally overplayed your hand.

If you had raised to 5k you could have bet half pot (another 5.5k) and found out he had something. You can then proceed with caution depending on turn and river cards.

No need to go broke in this hand.


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Re: Should i have got away from this
« Reply #4 on: June 03, 2012, 10:58:11 AM »
Lucas inexperience on my part probely a big part to be honest but some of my thinking rightly or wrongly.

Firstly why raise so big preflop? 5k is plenty.

4 x BB , unsure why to be honest half of me wanted him in the pot as he had a big enough stack to pay me off , but then i suppose i can see if he is calling it he may have a hand that beats me already , but if he shoves pre- then AA id likley and i can fold , hard as it may be.

He makes a fairly loose peel, though has good implied odds (as his hand can flop big) and is unlikely to get in trouble post flop as he can easily throw one pair hands away.

never thought of his hand in that way

What are you trying to achieve by your shove?

His check was making me think AK or AQ and he had missed and proberlly trying to take pot there rather than flip for an A

What hands do you think you will get a call from that you beat?

huge overbet , and i can see that now , didnt think it through at the time , again inexperience

Thnaks for the feedback guys has certainly made me think this hand in a different light.

had a great couple of days poker and at the end of the day i was freerolling for a fiver so the actual experience was invaluable alone.

Keep it coming
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Re: Should i have got away from this
« Reply #5 on: June 03, 2012, 11:21:51 AM »
Lucas is totally right. I"m not going to repeat it all cos he has said what I was going to. Read every one of his points carefully.

You need a reason for your bets (and other actions). What did you want him to do - call or fold? He is going to fold a hand worse than yours, so you are ensuring that you don"t get paid for your big hand. If he calls, you are losing. You might force a fold from a pair or draw that would have overtaken you, but that is the only upside - and you don"t need to bet 70k to do that.

As you have posted the question, I guess you"ve realised that you shouldn"t lose all your chips here, so at least you will play it differently the next time.
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Re: Should i have got away from this
« Reply #6 on: June 03, 2012, 11:25:51 AM »

Lucas is totally right. I"m not going to repeat it all cos he has said what I was going to. Read every one of his points carefully.

You need a reason for your bets (and other actions). What did you want him to do - call or fold? He is going to fold a hand worse than yours, so you are ensuring that you don"t get paid for your big hand. If he calls, you are losing. You might force a fold from a pair or draw that would have overtaken you, but that is the only upside - and you don"t need to bet 70k to do that.

As you have posted the question, I guess you"ve realised that you shouldn"t lose all your chips here, so at least you will play it differently the next time.

Thanks , yea i can see that i spent no time in thinking it out , and ultimatley that is my downfall , but as you say will make me stop and think the next time and its all a learning curve , thanks
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Re: Should i have got away from this
« Reply #7 on: June 03, 2012, 11:33:27 AM »
On my phone so can"t post loads but the hand is played really badly (by villain as well btw) and the flaws in play are pretty fundamental.

I would never 4x pre, even when 300bb deep at the start of a tournament. It is not clear whether you 4x all your opens or whether you reserve this for KK. However you should crave action with KK, not be scared of it. I would only raise 3x maximum but generally a bit smaller but I will open a wider range than you.

The flop kind of smacks a bb peeling range but you should mostly bet this for value as he can still have alot of 1pair hands that you beat However when you jam for 3x pot what sort of weaker hands do you expect villain to call off with? This bet works terribly as a value bet and never works as a bluff as villain will snap your cock off with any 2pair+ hands.

You need to consider what you are trying to achieve in a hand but it appears you are playing scared poker, which says it all when the title of the thread is "should I have got away from this?". In a 40bb tournament situation I am thinking more like, how can I get my opponent to commit alot of chips with a wider range as possible. Just c/bet normally (say10k as played) and play from there. You have position so should generally be able to make good decisions during the hand, you have negated this advantage by shoving the flop.

You didn"t lose the hand because you played it badly, you would have lost anyway, but there are several improvements to be made.

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Re: Should i have got away from this
« Reply #8 on: June 03, 2012, 11:51:56 AM »

On my phone so can"t post loads but the hand is played really badly (by villain as well btw) and the flaws in play are pretty fundamental.

I would never 4x pre, even when 300bb deep at the start of a tournament. It is not clear whether you 4x all your opens or whether you reserve this for KK. However you should crave action with KK, not be scared of it. I would only raise 3x maximum but generally a bit smaller but I will open a wider range than you.

The flop kind of smacks a bb peeling range but you should mostly bet this for value as he can still have alot of 1pair hands that you beat However when you jam for 3x pot what sort of weaker hands do you expect villain to call off with? This bet works terribly as a value bet and never works as a bluff as villain will snap your cock off with any 2pair+ hands.

You need to consider what you are trying to achieve in a hand but it appears you are playing scared poker, which says it all when the title of the thread is "should I have got away from this?". In a 40bb tournament situation I am thinking more like, how can I get my opponent to commit alot of chips with a wider range as possible. Just c/bet normally (say10k as played) and play from there. You have position so should generally be able to make good decisions during the hand, you have negated this advantage by shoving the flop.

You didn"t lose the hand because you played it badly, you would have lost anyway, but there are several improvements to be made.

Some very good stuff here , thanks , the normal pre raise was 3x and yea i guess the 4 x was cause of KK , totally see why c bet and re-evaluate would have worked a lot better , cant really rember what the turn and river turned out , but knoe there were no face cards , so could have proberly figured out on a straight at some point and although losing a chunk of chip , woul dhave still been in tourney.

This is all good guys , thanks
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Re: Should i have got away from this
« Reply #9 on: June 03, 2012, 13:47:00 PM »
not read all the replies, so apologies.

4x open is too big 2-2.5x is plenty as it means you can raise lighter with less risk to your stack.

The shove on the board is probably only getting called by better, so you don"t give villains with weaker hands a chance to make a mistake/ pay you off.

In response to your opening question. I don"t think you are getting away from this, but you could have played the hand better as you reduced your chances of winning a big pot at every turn
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Re: Should i have got away from this
« Reply #10 on: June 03, 2012, 13:48:57 PM »

not read all the replies, so apologies.

4x open is too big 2-2.5x is plenty as it means you can raise lighter with less risk to your stack.

The shove on the board is probably only getting called by better, so you don"t give villains with weaker hands a chance to make a mistake/ pay you off.

In response to your opening question. I don"t think you are getting away from this, but you could have played the hand better as you reduced your chances of winning a big pot at every turn

thanks rob
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Re: Should i have got away from this
« Reply #11 on: June 03, 2012, 16:28:23 PM »
It"s an interesting hand - if I am in the BB then I am normally calling your bet if I have 100BB.

Your bet does look like a telegraphed big pair or maybe AK or AQs.

I don"t think the implied odds are correct - paying 6k to win a max of 83k.

I don"t think the odds of flopping two pairs or better is good enough.

However with 17k in the pot - I would be more expecting something like 12/14k c-bet - or maybe a pot sized pot with the over pair.

If a normal c-bet is made then he can call with various draw and the implied odds pre flop hard to calc (in my head!)

Did you want the BB in the hand? Then raise to 4-5k : If you don"t then go all in.

Even if you raise to 4-5k here you have big problems here ... the board might help you escape as it develops ... hard to see how you avoid betting the flop and turn ... but you might just about retain 30k of your stack ...



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Re: Should i have got away from this
« Reply #12 on: June 04, 2012, 10:56:27 AM »
Thnaks for all the replys guys , can see where i went wrong , and inexperience is a big factor, still had a great time and was all good for me gaining experience at this level.

looking forward to doing another event soon and APAT in August
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Re: Should i have got away from this
« Reply #13 on: June 05, 2012, 00:19:38 AM »
Think most points have been covered. Anyone saying the 96 call is fine even if 300 bigs deep is wrong. It"s a terrible defend.
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Re: Should i have got away from this
« Reply #14 on: June 05, 2012, 10:43:53 AM »
Bet sizing is the main lesson I reckon, and I"ve been guilty of similar myself. I think the logic of massive overshove thinking he has AK or AQ is wrong as in those situations you want to keep him in the pot rather than stop the action. If you"re putting him on that sort of range then three quarter pot bet is better IMO.

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