Staker Licensed Player ApplicationIf you would like to apply to become a Staker Licensed Player then please note the points below.
1 ) APAT will follow up via private message with players should we require further details to verify your application. This may extend to reviewing the applicant"s APAT posts, PayPal name and address, Facebook profile and Hendon Mob record where deemed necessary. These details will remain private, our objective will simply be to gain some level of confidence that you are who you say you are.
2 ) The verification process may take 24 hours, so please don"t leave applications to the last minute before your planned event.

3 ) Licensed Players will receive a "Staker Licensed Player" notation under their forum username as per the following example.

4 ) Being a Staker Licensed Player is not a guarantee that your Staking Requests will be supported by Stakers.
5 ) Applying to become a Licensed Player demonstrates your acceptance to pay APAT a £10 license fee (whether your application proves successful or not) plus an additional 1% commission on the value of any winnings enjoyed by your Stakers.
6 ) To apply, select the PayPal "Pay Now" button below - which will trigger a £10 payment to APAT. Please
add your APAT Forum Username when requested on the payment page, as indicated on the image below. Payment by online poker account transfer is not available, but you can use debit and credit cards via the PayPal button.