for me a freeze out is a freeze out. you pay your money and take your chances. i think allowing one re entry would detract from the championships. a freeze out makes for better play as players are less likely to commit to an all in. eg in ireland i had pr 10"s I raised and got a caller. the flop was 6 high. i bet and was re-raised, i called, the turn was an ace. now i am up against a loose player and he may well of played a rag ace and hold 2 pr are he may have the ace with a high kicker, so i check, he moves all in for his last 11,000, i have him well covered and i believe i am probably in front. i am so tempted to make the call but it is a freeze out, then i remember the words of a very good player from newcastle, if in doubt get out and wait for a better spot. now if it had been a re-entry i snap call. all the big championships are freeze outs, why? it is a purer form of poker. A re-entry would favour the richer players and would also take away equal chances of winning. hence i believe a re-entry would detract from the apat championships and am against it..