Have contemplated a blog for a while.
I was worried that It would start off all guns blazing, then I"d lose interest, end up posting the odd poker update, and really not getting anything out of it apart from the odd whinge, "lost another flip" etc.
However, this got me thinking.. I used to be optimistic, definitely half full Guinness, rather than half gone kind of guy.
So I"ve decided. This blog will be all about how well I run, not just in poker but in life.
Poker, I will NOT post ANY, not one, bad beat story.
Poker, I will post the hell out of every time I get lucky, run well, cooler someone. Apologies in advance.
My personal life, I will aim to reflect on past relationships, and get the positives from them. This might be tricky

And of course how lucky I am with my job, my wonderful friends both "up north" and further afield, APAT and other, and the ever amazingness that I had something to with it, that is my gorgeous daughter, Anna.
I want to get me back thinking the way I used to.
Thus the reason for the title of the blog.
This is the start.