What does a # do in twitter?
I have a twitter account, but I haven"t really got any idea what to do with it
Have used the # in facebook pages in the past 
Will try not to do that again "cos I wouldn"t want to annoy TC
Love you Dave

Twitter hashtag is used to group the specific message being conveyed by that user..... For example, if a person is saying... "I"m going to bink the APAT tourny today as I"m a DTD cashing machine god don"t you know #APATPOKER". When any other user goes on Twitter and searches the phrase "APATPOKER", your tweet will appear in the search results because you categorised your tweet as relating to APATPOKER...
Essentially a way for Twitter users to organise conversations... If someone sends out a tweet about APATPOKER, they would add #APATPOKER at the end of their tweet so that other users searching for tweets on APAT, their tweet would show up in the search results.
Also useful for tracking chip counts and the like at an APAT tourny... and the updating gang often use them when I
have a stack am at the bar with a beer.
The @ is used when you want to "tag" a person or send a message to a certain person. So if you wanted to tell Des et al at APAT you were going to bink.. it would be "@Apat_poker I"m going to bink...etc #APATPOKER" meaning Des et al would get a message telling them about your forthcoming binkage and also anyone who searches for APAT would see as well.

Oh heck no! You can"t just throw that in there and head off. APAT person must be named obv. (Please let it be Ger
Lips are sealed! Not Ger though.. you think if it was Ger I"d be keeping quiet haha x