Sigh - I feel another road trip coming on 
"Likes this button" well and firmly pressed.
So. I managed to annoy most of the home game this evening. Played most pots. Luckboxing the following...
1) 33 > KK to be fair, the KK did just flat call a raise pre, a close APAT friend of mine once said "never fold a pair pre to a single raise".. followed their advice. Binked a 3 on the flop. Sorry Terry.
2) Has a few chips. Just before the rebuy period ends and the shorty shoves. I have K10 hearts. So isolate with a reshove knowing shorty has pretty much any two. Lucy then calls the shove with Aces. 2 hearts on the flop. Another on the turn. Ooops. Sorry Lucy (and Terry again).
3) Has a few more chips. Call Stu"s raise pre with J8 hearts. Ace high flop, two hearts. Stu bets 3k playing around 20k. I do think about this one. Honest. Put him on a random ace so shove for around 15k. Stu calls with A9 off. Heart on the turn. Sorry Stu.
Finally do a chop when down to 2 players. I run well.
Big thanks to pokerpops who paid the juice for our own G dealer all evening, was really appreciated, top top man. Have just left him and he had a nice looking stack at the cash table.
This is my last evening as a non dog owner. Still not decided on a name, Anna texted earlier who apparently has a short list, will be adding to this the names suggested from the APAT gang. I would suggest some of the names suggested at the table this evening... but... well for starters I"m not sure if the swear detection software on the forum would cope