YAY - see you there mate, what day to travelling over?
Nothing booked yet Rodders, but probs flying out on the Wednesday I hope. Happy days

Serious blog entry alert....
For those that know me very well know that I"ve had a little bit of a health scare this year, since joining the over 40 club a year or so back my doctor has been wanting me to go in for an over 40"s health check, blood test, urine the works. Now I"ve never been the healthiest of people, my love of Guinness, sandwiches of the cheese and or bacon varieties, peanut butter, pizzas, takeaways and not alot of the green stuff etc being the lifestyle I was dreading it and put it off.
Getting married I decided to see what the actual scores on the doors were earlier in the year, and it wasnt great. Heart attacks and stokes run the in the family and I was told I was in the "critical" area for both with a 20%+ of either / both in the next 10 years. To be fair thats 80%- chance that I wouldn"t.. but it was a little scary to hear.
Since then I"ve been eating more healthy, loads more fish, taking supplements and this benecol stuff everyday. Not happy days. I had to go back the other week for more tests to see if there was any improvements or if I needed to go on constant medication. There was good news.. improvements made so to just continue what I was doing and to go back for more tests in 6 months. There was new bad news.. my triglycerides are extremely high. This was caused by beer. Of all the things they could of told me, "Yes Mr Tompkinson it seems you"re eating too much beetroot" etc.. but no..
So as well as cutting back all the food I love.. I"m now told to lay off the beer. Beer. Less of it. Bad times.
Have asked the doctor how many benecols I need to take per pint to even things out.. still waiting for the call back x
On a positive note. APAT server.. is HOLDING

currently onto day 2 of continuous "upness". Happy days x