HAD been behaving itself until the past 24 hours where the hosting company decided to tinker with our firewall without warning us. Always nice when that happens

Apologies from them to you all for their dicking about.
Anyway all good as this is the first down time in well over a month. The fixes we"ve put in place seem to be doing the trick.
2013 SeptemberUp 95.902%
2013 OctoberUp 96.584%
2013 November Up 98.555%
Been crazy busy with my work as well as setting up the wifes new business (, with another in the planning, and also starting setting up a new clothing line business for Anna my daughter ( coming soon... Pleased to say APAT technical side has been quiet.
Played zero poker for months now, online (don"t think I"ve played at all 2013) or live, just no spare time. Plenty of drunken visits to the casino though, and finally found a craps table to play on up in Newcastle Aspers. Really miss playing craps after getting the bug in Aruba, and although the table up there is only half size, ventured up there last weekend and had a ball with Lilly.
Wish more casinos would install craps tables.. they really bring the noise and atmosphere, the number of times ventured to the G Stockton, the atmosphere just isn"t the same. Understand that staffing them is a "problem" but the mini Aspers one ran with just one staff member for most of the night.
Vegas 2014 is a must. Just waiting on Jaxie to tell me some certain dates so the planning can commence