Thanks Jack, Shaz and Jo x
Quick poker update from the weekend gone APAT up at Newcastle, decided to go up the night before (Saturday) with Lilly and have a trip round memory lane with her being a geordie lass. Got up at round 5pm, got a free double room upgrade to the penthouse with free bar and food.. running good

then visited numerous bars and clubs through the town, jumping from place to place via taxi. Great fun. Ended up at Aspers at around midnight for "a few".. the few turned into more than a few (shocker) and at around 5am and a few hundred up between us I left Lilly at the 3 card and visited to the gents.. on coming back was met with the Lilly being a little upset after some guy had watched me leave and then refuse to take no for an answer from Lilly.. management and security had to be called and the guy escorted off the premises. Bit of a sour end to the evening but overall we"d had a ball. There sure are some bell ends in this world.
5.30 we get back to the hotel and find out we can get cooked breakfast in bed.. after filling out some menus (just ticking everything really) we for some reason decide it would be great to be woken at 9am with food.. at 8:45am there"s a knock at the door which was hazily opened and then a procession of food.. hot and cold.. and trays was brought in by 4 staff. As updated on facebook. at 5.30 it seemed like the best idea ever. At 8:45.. worst idea ever

As the poker was starting at 12 we struggled through it.. packed up and got back to aspers like we"d never left at 11:45am only for Des after several hugs for us both to tell us there was 2 hours late reg... "didn"t we know?".. Champion :"( I should read the forum more often...
Lilly ventured back to the 3 card and doubled up again.. my APAT didn"t go so great with a bad play a few hours levels in.. thoughts if you can be bothered.. starting stack was 10K and I"d just treaded water / tried to stay awake to just under 12K.. the table had been crackers with chips flying about all over. I"m UTG at 150/300/25 with Kings and raise upto 800. Get a call from mr serial caller in mid position and the big blind calls as well.
Flop comes down 4,6,7 with 2 hearts.. I lead out with 2K.. mid position goes all in for about 5K and then big blind goes all in for about 10K.. what to do? thinking I"m up against a set, and or draws I dwell for a little while.. then fold. Mid position turns over 5,7 off and big blind has J,8 of hearts. Of course the turn and river blank out and I"d have been upto 25K+ stack.. but it felt like I was behind at the time to one of them. Never mind.. after that and a few levels later I open shove on the button with 5"s, blinds wake up with JJ and AK

no sweat for me, an ace on the turn brings a cheer though, the jack on the river brought a bigger one though.. live poker.. it"s all rigged

Had a great time though, and made some new friends at the tables whilst trying to promote all thats fantastic about the world of APAT. Good to catch up with Des as well.. even if it did end up with more work when I got home! Next APAT for me.. I"m not sure, maybe the main at the worlds.. all depends on my brother.. we"re still waiting on test results to see if he"s eligible for chemo. Fingers and toes crossed x