Had one of my oldest and best mates over on Saturday night, lives about 30 mins away and we meet up every month for a few beers, he doesn"t play live poker and is just learning online but we normally have a few beers and end up playing heads up over a few more beers and having a laugh.. by 4am I had been owned completely and lost 3 nill. I blamed the lager we were drinking as it wasnt giving me the skills Guinness does

We got talking about my relationship fails and I confirmed that I"d given up.. he suggested giving online dating a go which I laughed at.. been there done that my one experience was a complete disaster.. would no way go through that again.. its a long story but here it is in summary :
1. Night out in Yarm, local nightclub, lose my friends
2. 2 girls start chatting to me, one of them is keen, and as I"m cornered give her my number
3. Receive text the next day and I explain she wasnt really my type
4. She doesnt take this well
5. Few weeks later back in nightclub, her drunk mate spots me
6. Receive a torrent of abuse from her in front of all my friends. Friends find this hilarious
7. Sigh
8. Register for online dating, start chatting to lovely girl
9. We arrange to meet for lunch
10. Pull into carpark at the exact moment she is pulling in
11. We both realise at that moment that we recognise each other
12. She was the drunk lass from a few weeks early who"d given me the grief
13. We both wind down windows
14. More grief
15. FML
Online dating. Blurry online photos of girls. Not for the win

Mr Brightside view. Bullet dodged. Eventually