Sometimes things happen to people and all the success is richly deserved. This is one of those times.
Just caught up with this now I have my broadband back, mucho congratos mate. As above, the dukester hits the nail firmly on the head!
Cheers Grant
ps sent you a PM fella x
Been thinking back a lot these past few weeks to my childhood which wasnt the best to be honest. Had a relationship with my dad which resulted in me being kicked out when I was around 17. He was such an overpowering man and my mam bless her had no real say in the decision.
To be fair I was no angel.. and we clashed constantly. No college or uni for me, he wanted me to work straight from school and I"d been sacked after 9 months from what my dad had seen was my dream job, working in the bank like my brothers. Left me on a YTS scheme (for those who remember them) and an "embarrasment" to the family.. so I was told.
My two older brothers had been through the same situation as well but theyd excelled in the banks (and still do), but being the youngest and last of the brothers seemed to annoy him even more. The final straw funnily enough was me blowing up the vacuum cleaner after my first car had been broken into and I decided to vac the glass up in the passenger door well. It had been raining and I ignored the "it"ll break the vac speech" I"d had earlier. "Ooopsy" when lots of smoke started billowing out it

Roll forward the following week and me living in a bedsit in the worst street of Stockton for a long time, Hartington Road still to this day is at best a sh*thole. Damp up the walls, that distinct damp stench, 50p elec meter. "Kitchen", toilet, bed.. all within arms reach. At first I lived in a place with an alarm. When times got bad though and the debt started kicking in I had to move into one of the bedsits without an alarm.. downstairs. Error.
Imagine my joy coming home from my YTS placement one day to find a brick through my window, and all my stuff pinched including a portable 2nd hand TV I"d just been given by a workmate. Oh and yes they"d kicked in my 50p elec meter box. Emptied. Wonderful.
Those days seem long and distant now but its always good to remember how sh*tty life was. In a way I"m kind of glad I went throught it all with my dad, where over the years we now have a "bearable" relationship.. made me promise myself that I would be the complete opposite when Anna was born. 12 years on and life couldn"t be better with Anna or myself.
Mr Brightside for the win x