Have bought the video of the Great North.. waiting for the download link to be sent

So this weekend is my first ever Chezger, hoping to get there Friday night, but with Friday being one of the nights I always have Anna it may be that the Stockton Cock and I blast over on Saturday. Really can"t wait. The word epic is over used. But this weekend WILL BE EPIC.
Makes me think back to my first APAT in 2008.. Vienna / Wiener Neustadt. From not knowing anyone on the Forum, and posting my first ever tentative post on here enquiring on how I could get a seat.. there followed a fantastic adventure and the start of falling in love with APAT and especially APAT trips abroad.
Started off putting my name on a list for a coach trip from UK to Vienna, but ended up arranging over the forum to meet a guy I"d never met before, John Steele at Manchester Airport.. agreeing to fly with John to Bratislava to save costs and then jump in a hire car there to Wiener Neustadt

John was great.. and the trip was a great laugh, the trip was smooth.. and then we ended up at the Orange Wings hotel at Wiener Neustadt

Firstly on hearing the APAT was Vienna I had visions of a beautiful city, culture.. a certain "tune" which means nothing to me.. with a weekend of poker thrown in. What turned out was Wiener Neustadt.. around 50mins drive south of Vienna and the Orange wings. Situated in an industrial estate. Next to a go-carting track.

The "hotel" has been compared to a prison and to be fair I"ve never stayed anywhere like it before or since. All caged off and with a computerised booking in system at the front door which if I remember rightly one of the APAT crowd took exception to and one morning we woke to find in more pieces than it was the night before.
The room itself was fine though.. but the Vienna I"d pictured in my mind.. this certainly wasnt.