Happy new year to one and all
Been a month since a blog update but there"s been nothing to report really, busy with work, happy at home so its all good. Currently trying to free up some funds for a trip to APAT Stoke, been too long since I"ve seen everyone, watch this space.
APAT website had it"s best month uptime wise in December, only one blip for a few hours in December meaning our best stats yet :
Year / Month / Uptime
2013 December 99.731%
2013 November 99.030%
2013 October 96.584%
2013 September 95.902%
Fingers crossed the new website front end doesnt break anything

On a personal front life is great although trying to fit into non elasticated clothes is proving a problem

honeymoon period and no gym for 5 months has well and truly seen to that. Managed 3 gym sessions between Christmas and New year so I could just squeeze into a tux for new years eve. 20lbs on since August though has been a mighty fine effort and very enjoyable.. no regrets

Aims for 2014? Lose a few pounds. Keep healthy and happy. Explore a little more of the world. Have adventures.
Anyway.. where was I.. oh yes talking of adventures... Stoke.. fingers crossed x