I am most likely in the wrong thread,
and it has not much to do with feedback to the game last nite,
as this is more a feedback to feedback posts made here and in another thread of the online cup
What really surprise me is that some of you guys moan about the software, in a way that i do not know if I shall find it sad or funny.
Well first of all complains there is more suck out on boss than in other rooms, that"s crap really. I play regulary on boss since few years, as well on stars, and in times other networks. There are "bad beats" everywhere, and there are not more or less bad beats on boss then somewhere else. It is always easy to blame the software for loosing isn"t it???
But what I could not understand is all that moaning about things the software does "not have" when the software actually does have them. What are you little kids?? Honestly guys, my motherlanguage isn"t English, but the pokerrooms language is. I am most likely the most dummy of this forum on things like pokerrooms , but even I was able to find all the things which was the moan about.
Have you ever thought that all those tabs/buttons in the lobby actually are there to be clicked?? To see what happens when you click them. Like filters? That there might be something to unclick, like tourneys you not want to see? Or settings, that you could change things like card deck there?
Just like actually you have to do it on stars as well, otherwise you see a lot of tourney you not want to see there.
Just as an advise should you ever again choose a pokernetwork you not have played before, do this few days before the tourney, take a bit time and actually click on the tabs/buttons, you might be surprised what you can find there. (Well unless you play in the networks where boyles is or 32red as they are indeed very user unfriendly)
But Boss is the most userfriendly sites specially for dummies, and I know what I am talking about cause I am one, when it comes to this

I wondered what you do at home, when your woman cooks a nice new meal for you. Are you complaining you can"t taste it as because it is new you don"t know how to cut it? And will she cut it for you and feed you with it? Or will you try it yourself?