Author Topic: Format for the National Online Cup Final.  (Read 29309 times)

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Re: Format for the National Online Cup Final.
« Reply #15 on: September 01, 2012, 15:20:16 PM »
Not too fond playing two tables at once either.

Matt D

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Re: Format for the National Online Cup Final.
« Reply #16 on: September 01, 2012, 19:03:27 PM »
The Heads Up games are pretty turbo. I think the max any HU game would take is 30 mins. So, you"ll be 2-tabling for 30 minutes out of the whole time.

The original format was to host PLO, NHLE and HU all at the same time. Which I thought was a little excessive, hence splitting over 2 days (Weds + Sun).

I haven"t actually set up a 3rd/4th place playoff. I wasn"t aware there was going to be one (my mistake for not reading the  briefing properly). Will PM Des/Leigh now to see what we"re going to do there.
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Re: Format for the National Online Cup Final.
« Reply #17 on: September 01, 2012, 19:11:50 PM »
p.s. the Heads Up games are just going to played on the APAT Private tables. There isn"t a set-start time for them.

So.... If the team captains PM me their order of players for the HU games (2 lists as there are 2 sets of games. Or you can just use the same order for both games if you want), then I can post who is playing who, and they can arrange when to play their games.

It doesn"t have to be at the same time as the final. It can be played at any time, as long as they are all completed. Players could PM each other to organise the matches, arrange a mutually convenient time etc.
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Re: Format for the National Online Cup Final.
« Reply #18 on: September 01, 2012, 21:24:08 PM »

p.s. the Heads Up games are just going to played on the APAT Private tables. There isn"t a set-start time for them.

So.... If the team captains PM me their order of players for the HU games (2 lists as there are 2 sets of games. Or you can just use the same order for both games if you want), then I can post who is playing who, and they can arrange when to play their games.

It doesn"t have to be at the same time as the final. It can be played at any time, as long as they are all completed. Players could PM each other to organise the matches, arrange a mutually convenient time etc.

That sounds better, im hopeless at 2 tabling.


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Re: Format for the National Online Cup Final.
« Reply #19 on: September 01, 2012, 21:29:32 PM »
Also not happy about the PLO. I don"t play it, except for fun at WCOAP and ECOAP.

Like Curly I also never multi-table online, but it seems that one has been addressed already.

Debjani has NEVER played Omaha or anything Pot Limit and she"s not happy.

If the brief had have mentioned Omaha initially Debjani and I would never have entered. It"s akin to playing the FA Cup using a football, until the final where we swtich to rugby. Swinebag"s statement about it"s a poker comp (and by implication you should effectively be ready for any format) is ridiculous.

It should be NLHE throughout.
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Re: Format for the National Online Cup Final.
« Reply #20 on: September 01, 2012, 21:30:01 PM »

Whilst playing NLHE and PLO is something I personally do regularly, I can see that this change of format may well hinder some teams, where players dont regularly play PLO. It may be the case that some players have never even played it before, thus putting their team at a huge disadvantage.

In addition, why are we playing 2 different games at the same time? I never (previous apat onlines aside) play more than one table at a time as I feel I get a much better handle on peoples play by watching just one table. The format has changed hugely by the PLO inclusion and this certainly wasn"t mentioned in the original post. The final match will feature heads up and sit & go rounds to determine the winning team.  A third place playoff will also take place utilising the final format

I"m struggling to see why these matches can"t be played on different nights, especially as they are completely different games!

Personally I"m all for the format overall, but not playing it at the same time.

This format completely sucks. I have never played Omaha. Had you mentioned an Omaha element to this competition at the outset I would never have entered.

I have multi-tabled before and could cope with doing so again but to do it whilst trying to play a game I"ve never played before is not something I relish.

I"m pretty tired of everytime any online competition in APAT starts, the format seems to be different by the end. However, it"s been pointed out that this wasn"t advertised as EITHER having Omaha OR as exclusively Hold'em ........ it just wasn"t mentioned. But the chance to know what to expect would have been good so that someone else who can play Omaha could"ve taken my place in my team.

I sincerely apologise in advance to my team-mates for my clueless performance in the forthcoming Omaha match and for turning our good chance of getting something out of this competition into a complete luckfest  >:(


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Re: Format for the National Online Cup Final.
« Reply #21 on: September 01, 2012, 22:09:27 PM »
Tbh i would just have an eight table sit and go, that would be carnage lol. Just imagine the collusion and softplaying then an all in feast when the blinds get big. If it were a tie then who ever wins the stt would win the comp for the team, Nuff said!

I also agree to be fair that the others who havent played omaha would be at a huge disadvantage and to have this put upon them was a shock to me. Its a shame as omaha is my favourite game but i will go with the majority im afraid Matt.

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Matt D

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Re: Format for the National Online Cup Final.
« Reply #22 on: September 01, 2012, 22:56:00 PM »

Tbh i would just have an eight table sit and go, that would be carnage lol. Just imagine the collusion and softplaying then an all in feast when the blinds get big. If it were a tie then who ever wins the stt would win the comp for the team, Nuff said!

I also agree to be fair that the others who havent played omaha would be at a huge disadvantage and to have this put upon them was a shock to me. Its a shame as omaha is my favourite game but i will go with the majority im afraid Matt.

Tbh i would just have an eight table sit and go, that would be carnage lol. Just imagine the collusion and softplaying then an all in feast when the blinds get big. If it were a tie then who ever wins the stt would win the comp for the team, Nuff said!

I also agree to be fair that the others who havent played omaha would be at a huge disadvantage and to have this put upon them was a shock to me. Its a shame as omaha is my favourite game but i will go with the majority im afraid Matt.

It"s no odds to me what games we include as part of the cup. I"ve just set them up as instructed.

I"m not sure what you mean by an 8 table sit"n"go? Do you mean an 8-seat sit"n"go? If so, that"s the way it"s already been set up (but omaha and hold"em on subsequent weeks, rather than just hold"em).
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Re: Format for the National Online Cup Final.
« Reply #23 on: September 02, 2012, 00:25:35 AM »
On reflection I can see what people are saying, it does seem like like moving the goalposts and I do sympathise. Maybe it would be better to make this competition NLHE all the way through.

I think if you want to mix up the games then make the next cup competition a mixed game championship, but don"t just have NLHE and PLO, have as many variants of the game as the software will allow, be it Razz, Stud, Badugi, Acey-Deucey or whatever. I got my poker education through the LPM, if you can describe it, we"ll play it.
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Re: Format for the National Online Cup Final.
« Reply #24 on: September 02, 2012, 00:40:02 AM »

On reflection I can see what people are saying, it does seem like like moving the goalposts and I do sympathise. Maybe it would be better to make this competition NLHE all the way through.

I think if you want to mix up the games then make the next cup competition a mixed game championship, but don"t just have NLHE and PLO, have as many variants of the game as the software will allow, be it Razz, Stud, Badugi, Acey-Deucey or whatever. I got my poker education through the LPM, if you can describe it, we"ll play it.

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Re: Format for the National Online Cup Final.
« Reply #25 on: September 02, 2012, 03:38:57 AM »

it does seem like like moving the goalposts

Exactly my point - the format should be fully disclosed at the outset. Having an Omaha element is perfectly legit if you tell everyone about it BEFORE they register to play so that people who don"t know how to play don"t blindly enter, get deep in the competition but are then faced with pulling out or scouring the bookshelf for something with an Omaha chapter.

This game"s not a freeroll, there"s a decent prize up for grabs and the first opportunity I"ve had to win a medal for a medal for ages and I wouldn"t have been here if it had been made it plain I"d have to know how to play Omaha to get to the end. Quite frankly I feel cheated.

Any Omaha specialists - feel free to PM me an idiots guide to playing. At the moment all I know is I get dealt 4 cards!

Matt D

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Re: Format for the National Online Cup Final.
« Reply #26 on: September 02, 2012, 04:49:58 AM »
Hi all

On my way to the airport. Not sure if I"m going to have access to Internet on holiday, but will try and get on tomorrow, so I can send the password to winning semi finalists. I"ll also PM it to Leigh and Des now, so someone has it in the event I cannot get online.

Given the messages above, it seems the fairest thing to do would be to make the first game Hold'em instead of Omaha. I will get on to that now.

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Re: Format for the National Online Cup Final.
« Reply #27 on: September 02, 2012, 16:59:17 PM »

Given the messages above, it seems the fairest thing to do would be to make the first game Hold'em instead of Omaha. I will get on to that now.

I for one really appreciate this decision - thank you!


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Re: Format for the National Online Cup Final.
« Reply #28 on: September 02, 2012, 17:46:06 PM »

Tbh i would just have an eight table sit and go, that would be carnage lol. Just imagine the collusion and softplaying then an all in feast when the blinds get big. If it were a tie then who ever wins the stt would win the comp for the team, Nuff said!

I also agree to be fair that the others who havent played omaha would be at a huge disadvantage and to have this put upon them was a shock to me. Its a shame as omaha is my favourite game but i will go with the majority im afraid Matt.

Tbh i would just have an eight table sit and go........ i did mean 8 players Matt lol
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Re: Format for the National Online Cup Final.
« Reply #29 on: September 02, 2012, 18:49:45 PM »
i am interested by the fact that people do not want to play omaha yet that or stud is one of the prizes. I know that you can go in the 6 max if you get knocked out of the main event on day 1 like i will but most people must have more skill than me. (or can we enter the team event)?