I"m a smoker & have been for 25 years plus......I"m not proud of that fact but it"s just how it is! A friend and I callculated how much money we"d spent on Cig"s & lets just say it scared the crap out of me.....had I put the money to one side I could walk in to the Ferrari showroom and just walk out with the keys for the car of my dreams (having paid the man!) and still have funds over to play most of the WSOP events this year!
Having spent 14 years in the forces.....I now hate been told what I can & can"t do......but have to say that the smoking ban can only be a good thing!
I have set a new target date for giving the blasted things up....23rd of July...after my hols.....don"t think I"ll have enough life left in me to save for the Ferrari through giving up.............
A BIG Poker win it will have to be then

We"re all aloud to dream!