Congrats to Matt, Sooooz, Phil and Colin on winning their bronze medals this evening, well played.
I would like to suggest the following however, which is not sour grapes as you deserved the win.
When these matches reach the final stages, the STT"s have to be organised correctly, in as much as each player must sit between 2 of the opposition at the start.
We had a, presumed, random draw tonight which sat 3 of our oppo in a line. After Colin was busted, our team then had all 4 players in a line and the chip dumping started.
At one stage Soooz was down to around 5 bigs on the BB and Phil raises from the button, Matt calls, Sue shoves and they both fold instantly. We knew that if they lost the next player we couldn"t lose, and I guess they did as well. It allowed Sue to get back in the game and changed the dynamic completely.
These actions were repeated by both teams (we had no choice but to do the same thing tbh) on numerous occasions and for me spoilt the event.
Like I said, take nothing away from the winners, but this has to be addressed before the next tourney, PLEASE