Fat fighters week 4 weigh-in tonight and another 5lbs lost, so that 21lbs in 4 weeks.

Whilst I know it"s not the done thing to have a giggle at the expense of fellow weight-watchers, I have to admit to having done so tonight.
After weighing-in. we have to sit down and wait for the leaders motivational talk to begin. Normally I sit at the back on the right to keep out of the firing line when she starts asking questions, but tonight a new girl had taken that spot, no doubt for exactly the same reason, so I had to sit next to another chubby chap, who took the opportunity to start chatting. It went like this.
Him:- "Hello, how did you get on?"
Me :- "Hello, not bad thanks, another 5lbs"
Him:- "Well done, how much in total?"
Me:- "21lbs in 4 weeks"
Him:- "wow very well done"
Me:- Thanks, and how much did you lose this week?"
Him:- Nothing this week, but nothing gained, so not too bad"
Me:- "We started at the same time didn"t we?"
Him:- "No, I started before you"
Me:- "How much have you lost in total?"
Him:- "13lbs"
Me:- "Well done that"s not too bad, when did you start?"
Him :- "Last April"

So that"s 13lbs in just under 10 months. GGWP. So at £4.95 per week that"s about £200 or thereabouts.
What is the point?