Just home from Genting Luton"s Summer Deepstack. Tourney was £90 + £10 plus £10 per person towards a GPS seat with 3 guaranteed. (it ended up with 4 seats being up for grabs. 25k starting stack on a 40 min clock.
Played really well on day 1a on Friday to finish in 7th place on 102,700, which when they added the day 1b runners in, meant we had 47 runners today and I was in 12th overall.
I"ve cut and pasted my fb posts here as I cant remember much tbh.

143,900 at first break. Av.131k. 32 left 17 paid.
126,600 at break at end level 14. Av 181k 24 left 17 paid. Blinds now 2500/5000/500
Bubble burst quiet quickly and I still have 125k.
Players drop really quickly and we are down to 13 and I still have 130k.
OMG FT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am super short stack with 108k. Av 540k loblol.
Blinds 5000/10000/1000
OMG again
Guy with 575k calls an all in river bet from the big stack and was wrong. LADDER!!!!!! 8 left £540 gteed
Then get KK and big stack shoves my 30k raise with 77 which I call and I double up. Blinds still 5000/10000/1000.
Next hand I get AA in BB. There"s an early raise to 20k and a 4 bet to 45k. I make it 103k to go and the raiser folds. The other guy calls the 103k. Flop comes 26Q and I shove my remaining 122k and he calls showing 99, lol up to 456k
Next break have 639k which is av. 7 left £680 locked. There are 4 added value GPS worth £440 each as well. Blinds now 8000/16000/1000
997k wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

4 left £1250 plus GPS seat locked up 1,027,000 chips which is average. Blinds 12000/24000/3000
Went down to 350k then had QQ hold up when BB called my shove with 77. Agreed a 4 way chop. The 2 bigger stacks took £2600 and me and the other guy took £2220 plus we all have the GPS seat as well. ?#?at****inglast?
I feel that I played really well again, as I feel I have done in previous events of this type, but this time I had a load of crap hands which were just insta folds or hands that didn"t get beaten when the chips went in. I had the best hand every time I was all in.
It has been a while coming that"s for sure and by good does it feel good.
Thanks to all those on the fb rail, love you all xxxxxx