Suzanne....would take a % but totally dont agree with your request for stakers to contribute to your 1% APAT payment other stake request has asked for this including myself in the 2 that I have run!!
Its part of the cost of achieving backing and imho is totally the responsibility of the player being backed.
Not sure why I put it in Myles. Top prize is around £4k and should I win it I would be more than happy to give Apat £40.
I suppose my thinking at the time was that if I was not asking for a markup then it would only be fair that backers pay towards the share. Seems a bit silly now on reflection but there ya go..done it now :/
Thanks guys for the staking, pm on the way.
Again, the 1% thing is fine. Not silly at all, not sure why would would not think it is
The same way as selling at a markup is fine
The response you get will tell you if people think it represents value or not.
Anyway will ship to you via Pokerstar"s tonight