Author Topic: Charity Advice Needed  (Read 6183 times)

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Charity Advice Needed
« on: September 26, 2012, 06:51:32 AM »
Hi Guys

As most of you will know, I am currently playing poker for charity on behalf of the British Heart Foundation and every game I get entered into will have any winnings donated to the fund. I receive nothing at all and I am happy to do my bit, no issues here at all.

I am in a dilemma at the moment for a couple of reasons though and would appreciate your honest advice if possible.

All the leading UK tours have offered me free seats into their events (genting, stars, gukpt) and thanks to some great publicity, the leading poker travel company in the UK has also offered me free hotel rooms for each event. The only thing I have to pay for is the travel costs to each event and this is where my problem is.

I lost my day job in July/August and as a result, my finances have gone from healthy to having to sign on the dole for the very 1st time (ive worked 16 years) to support my wife and 4 kids. So paying for travel to events is a real struggle right now.

To cut a long story short, my question is : Is it acceptable/wrong/legal/etc to use any donations or winnings to fund these costs? I personally wont be taking a penny, the money will be used soley on train/air/bus fares. I have tried on numerous occaisions to contact the travel companies (easyjet, flybe and eastcoast rail) to see if they would donate a seat but have either had no reply (easyjet) or a straight forward no (Flybe and eastcoast)

So please if you can, what advice can you offer me? Has anyone found themselves in this situation whilst doing charity work? or can anyone offer any help as to what to try/do next? Thank you.
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Re: Charity Advice Needed
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2012, 07:51:48 AM »
Personally it would seem wrong to take money out of anywhere to pay for travel costs.  If your unable to fund then 2 options I can see,

Delay any poker until you can fund once you"re back on your feet with a job.


Write/contact the poker tour and the charity itself and explain the issue they have as they maybe able to help if they are aware you can"t do it of you dont get funding for travel.

Another alternative maybe setup a just giving page for raising the travel funds you require?

Good luck, I wish you well, firstly finding work (your priority I"m sure) and if you get going your charity poker!
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Re: Charity Advice Needed
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2012, 11:15:54 AM »

Not really a tricky dilemma, as there are clear guidelines regarding this.

You have made an agreement with the leading UK tours to provide you with seats on the premise that all of your winnings will be donated to charity.  If you need to change that to cover your travel expenses, then as long as they are in agreement with that, then I don"t see an issue.

If you were looking to cover these expenses from any donations made direct to you justgiving page, then you are in breach of charity commission regulations.

I don"t think anyone outside of the UK tours should have any issue with this, as you are not gaining personally from this, and the time and effort you are giving to raise money and promote a worth cause is clear for all to see.

Clear it with those that have donated the seats, and then win it all.



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Re: Charity Advice Needed
« Reply #3 on: September 26, 2012, 11:20:56 AM »
I do voluntary work for a registered charity and am paid expenses for travel etc.

I think the key thing for your situation is transparancy. Saying upfront what the donations are going towards is best and changing after the event would be wrong. I personaly have no issue with you using my donation to fund your expenses but people should know your intentions before choosing to donate.


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Re: Charity Advice Needed
« Reply #4 on: September 26, 2012, 14:53:23 PM »
Thanks for your advice so far guys.

My aim has always been to be 100% clear and honest about the entire charity appeal from the beginning hence my decision to open the question up in public today.

From what Leigh has said above, im going to follow his advice and do what I have been doing all along. Ill keep on at the travel companies, will speak to the poker tour companies and make decisions regarding the costs after speaking with them.

So to clarify whats happening with the funds incase of any confusion:

  • Any money given to me personally as a donation will be dontated 100% to the just giving website.

  • 100% of any winnings from any poker event that I get entered into will be donated to the charity via the just giving website

This charity appeal means so much to me after losing my dad and my aim is to raise £5k by Christmas, i"m on target so far and thank everyone for their help, advice and continued support

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Re: Charity Advice Needed
« Reply #5 on: September 26, 2012, 16:13:59 PM »
Hi Graeme,

Certainly worth posting on here and on blonde or other poker forums when you"re looking to play an event as i"m sure there will be certain ones where you can grab a lift from someone. I"d certainly be willing to give you one (as the actress said to the bishop!) if I were playing in the same tourney and i"m sure there"s plenty of others out there who"d be willing to help for such a good cause.

Also, I was thinking, how about an APAT online charity event? Sure there"d be lots of interest.

Good luck,



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Re: Charity Advice Needed
« Reply #6 on: September 26, 2012, 17:21:25 PM »
Thanks Andy

Sounds like a good idea, will deffo post up and see what happens.
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Re: Charity Advice Needed
« Reply #7 on: September 26, 2012, 21:47:02 PM »
Would it be wrong to start a seperate "justgiving" page specifically highlighting the transport aspect of your fundraising? Just a thought Graeme ???
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Re: Charity Advice Needed
« Reply #8 on: September 26, 2012, 21:52:11 PM »

Would it be wrong to start a seperate "justgiving" page specifically highlighting the transport aspect of your fundraising? Just a thought Graeme ???

Cant do it mate

The justgiving site is intended to send the money direct to the charity, which means I have no access to it at all, so any donations made via JG are done direct.

Ive had a chat with a number of people tonight and we"ll get it sorted somehow, whatever we do though the charity wont lose a penny
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Re: Charity Advice Needed
« Reply #9 on: September 26, 2012, 22:51:36 PM »

Would it be wrong to start a seperate "justgiving" page specifically highlighting the transport aspect of your fundraising? Just a thought Graeme ???

Cant do it mate

The justgiving site is intended to send the money direct to the charity, which means I have no access to it at all, so any donations made via JG are done direct.

Ive had a chat with a number of people tonight and we"ll get it sorted somehow, whatever we do though the charity wont lose a penny

Sounds good, hope you sort something out
APAT Scottish Amateur Champion 2011 :~)
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Re: Charity Advice Needed
« Reply #10 on: September 30, 2012, 11:08:25 AM »

Hi Graeme,

Certainly worth posting on here and on blonde or other poker forums when you"re looking to play an event as i"m sure there will be certain ones where you can grab a lift from someone. I"d certainly be willing to give you one (as the actress said to the bishop!) if I were playing in the same tourney and i"m sure there"s plenty of others out there who"d be willing to help for such a good cause.

Also, I was thinking, how about an APAT online charity event? Sure there"d be lots of interest.

Good luck,


       i dont know what part of uk you are living in but i live in london and if it was convenient for you i would have no hesitation in giving you a lift to any tourney i was playing in , good luck  
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Re: Charity Advice Needed
« Reply #11 on: September 30, 2012, 13:21:49 PM »
i live in newcastle and if your playing scottish apat happy to give you a lift if you are near newcastle.i can also offer you a bed for the night for this event as there is a spare one in my hotel room. I am happy to donate £50 towards any travel costs you have.
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Re: Charity Advice Needed
« Reply #12 on: September 30, 2012, 21:29:07 PM »

Hi Graeme,

Certainly worth posting on here and on blonde or other poker forums when you"re looking to play an event as i"m sure there will be certain ones where you can grab a lift from someone. I"d certainly be willing to give you one (as the actress said to the bishop!) if I were playing in the same tourney and i"m sure there"s plenty of others out there who"d be willing to help for such a good cause.

Also, I was thinking, how about an APAT online charity event? Sure there"d be lots of interest.

Good luck,


       i dont know what part of uk you are living in but i live in london and if it was convenient for you i would have no hesitation in giving you a lift to any tourney i was playing in , good luck  

Thanks Kohan, much appreciated mate.

I live in Newcastle so would be a bit of a drive for you to pick me up, but if im ever down London, ill message you!

All the best

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Re: Charity Advice Needed
« Reply #13 on: September 30, 2012, 21:31:11 PM »

i live in newcastle and if your playing scottish apat happy to give you a lift if you are near newcastle.i can also offer you a bed for the night for this event as there is a spare one in my hotel room. I am happy to donate £50 towards any travel costs you have.

Hi Herbie

Im just north of Newcastle in Forest Hall, so that offer of a lift is tremendous.

I am meant to be travelling up with a couple of friends in their car, but one has had bad news this weekend so we need to see whats happening, Ill certainly let you know asap and if I need you that would be great.

All the best

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Re: Charity Advice Needed
« Reply #14 on: October 01, 2012, 00:34:10 AM »
APAT spirit for the win every time  8)
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