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Player DirectoryBelow is a list that will be updated regularly, currently grouped by region and sorted alpha by Online Alias.
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JP Round | | East Midlands | | Aceon5th |
Barry mcdonald | | East Midlands | | Bazza@ |
Gary Suffolk | | East Midlands | | gaz70 |
Helen Wilcox | | East Midlands | | -HeadCase- |
John Hubbard | | East Midlands | | Hubbard 02 |
James Barber | | East Midlands | | jb_apat |
Christian Briggs | | East Midlands | | PLOWh0r3 |
Colin Witts | | East Midlands | | redcol |
Simon Lawlor | | East Midlands | | redsimon63 |
Vaino Tiik | | East Midlands | | Rhino5656 |
Bal Powar | | East Midlands | | shozboy1 |
Philip Colls | | East Midlands | | Spirey1 |
Gina-Maria Weiss | | East Midlands | | StarshineI |
Ian Overson | | East Midlands | | TheDoofus77 |
Simon Gordon | | East Midlands | | Tigerflash |
Paul Jefferies | | East of England | | _The_Nutz_ |
jason browes | | East of England | | _Top_Draw_ |
Colin McCarthy | | East of England | | 147thinsy |
Andrew Cairns | | East of England | | aj_cairns |
Achim G. | | East of England | | APATCK |
Scott O"Reilly | | East of England | | beltbuckle |
Paul Turnstill | | East of England | | Bethany1 |
Stewart Brodie | | East of England | | camkingEoE |
Carey Hollick | | East of England | | CareyBBP |
cris sharp | | East of England | | crisasharp |
Darren Michaels | | East of England | | dazzammm |
carl Pilgrim | | East of England | | fandango41 |
Stuart Fordham | | East of England | | fatbloke888 |
Alan Mower | | East of England | | Geronimo37 |
Simon Alcock | | East of England | | ivorbiggin |
Wolfgang Jaeger | | East of England | | jackbauerT |
Ute Mattejat | | East of England | | Mattejat1 |
Ralph Osker | | East of England | | Merkland. |
Jo Sharp | | East of England | | NinjaJoJo |
Christopher Hibberd | | East of England | | redchris76 |
jack warner | | East of England | | snoopypillowA |
Don Logan | | East of England | | TheDon66 |
richard boyd | | East of England | | TheSteal1 |
karl bursford | | East of England | | U.T.U.B. |
John Lynn | | East of England | | xRicayBoyx |
Warren Fenwick | | East of England | | xxWaz1892xx |
Billy Johnstone | | Ireland | | BigBlin |
David Pilkington | | Ireland | | cashman01 |
Colin Mc Grane | | Ireland | | Colinmcg |
Frank Bailie | | Ireland | | cormach111 |
Damien Bailie | | Ireland | | gunnerdub |
kevin o hanlon | | Ireland | | kohan1947 |
Brian Frew | | Ireland | | Kronstdat1 |
Desi Graham | | Ireland | | MaharGiseD |
Matt Bailie | | Ireland | | mobyjack75 |
Nick Avery | | Ireland | | oznick4259 |
raymond crowe | | Ireland | | rainbow52 |
phil daniels | | London | | FillyDanz |
simon lawlor | | London | | lawlor2005 |
susan pearson | | London | | susiep |
Johan Fredrik Furuly | | London | | theD0NKEY |
Ellen Gascoine | | London | | xKWN34x |
Alasdair Mooney | | North East | | 8BallAlly2 |
Mark Weddle | | North East | | APATMark |
Ashley Gibbin | | North East | | Ashmaniaca |
fergus powch | | North East | | ferg1690 |
paul thompson | | North East | | flaminheck |
james ellis | | North East | | herbiehackit |
gary roberts | | North East | | hetton |
Alan Storey | | North East | | hettonal |
gary metcalfe | | North East | | hettonmetz |
iain ayre | | North East | | hettonmob1 |
rosie barry | | North East | | Idareyou |
rosie barry | | North East | | Idareyou1 |
Alex Jobling | | North East | | J10BLN |
Craig Johnson | | North East | | jbonguk |
James Charlton | | North East | | Jimster711 |
David Sykes | | North East | | Jooolie47 |
kathryn johnson | | North East | | katos11 |
fergus powch | | North East | | max_ammo |
Graeme Morl | | North East | | morlspin2 |
dave collins | | North East | | npfdobba |
Dan Patterson | | North East | | nufcdan |
Owen Fenwick | | North East | | OwenFTM |
Michael Willmore | | North East | | paddocks |
Phil Tompkinson | | North East | | PHIL-TC |
Ross Johnson | | North East | | r0sc0piko |
karl kacperski | | North East | | razorscuttle |
william greenwood | | North East | | roxytara123 |
Matt Dobson | | North East | | rthereany |
patrick conlin | | North East | | rubyalfie1 |
Lee Blood | | North East | | Shentoku |
David Grayson | | North East | | Smoggie14 |
david grayson | | North East | | smoggie31 |
alan bowden | | North East | | Stumps3266 |
Stuart Ward | | North East | | stupidsite |
godfrey armstrong | | North East | | terrynutlives |
Ben Russell | | North East | | Toshiro42 |
Trevor Roberts | | North East | | TR-hetton |
William Greenwood | | North East | | willy48 |
SCOTT TENNANT | | North West | | 01Scott |
lisherllrill aJohn | | North West | | 12 |
Glenn Hopley | | North West | | AKA2 |
Asa McGrath | | North West | | amcgrath1 |
Steven Barnes | | North West | | barney0285 |
jim stevens | | North West | | blunt_fury |
Rob Swindells | | North West | | BobbyS22 |
paul williams | | North West | | capr1con |
Cath Gartmann | | North West | | cathpoker |
Nigel Dempsey | | North West | | coolnige1 |
Steven Bayliff | | North West | | dave3465 |
Nigel Dempsey | | North West | | HAPPYNIGE1 |
Craig Tranter | | North West | | ItsCTtoyou |
Daniel Thursfield | | North West | | Karrde36 |
Ger Smyth | | North West | | lubandige |
mike scothern | | North West | | Mikes9361 |
Mark Curwen | | North West | | mooncat2 |
matthew bird | | North West | | Physco** |
Ian Szerlowski | | North West | | rencista |
Rachel Lea | | North West | | Repgirl |
Rick Skelton | | North West | | Skellysheroes |
Bill Sheppard | | North West | | SQR64Q |
Andy Kingan | | North West | | TeleMech |
craig dawson | | North West | | ZozzyApat |
Shaz Roberts | | North West | | Zwicky18 |
shug cairnie | | Scotland | | _Nighthawk |
Alex Thomson | | Scotland | | 1BAMF |
Paul Sefton | | Scotland | | APATSef |
bobby morton | | Scotland | | bobbymapat |
Andrew Blackwood | | Scotland | | Bwood61 |
christopher kelly | | Scotland | | ckapat |
Alan Moodie | | Scotland | | Craigellen |
Barrie Cullen | | Scotland | | Cuzza231 |
johnny gibb | | Scotland | | Divits |
Craig Rattray | | Scotland | | ElDiablo_ |
gary purcell | | Scotland | | gazza18881 |
Graeme Connell | | Scotland | | gconnell |
gerry thomas | | Scotland | | gerry54211 |
Rakesh Paul Gupta | | Scotland | | Gupp9y |
Ben Grant | | Scotland | | ibenji |
james lapsley | | Scotland | | jakethesnake78 |
Jason Loughlin | | Scotland | | jasonking88 |
Jack Loughlin | | Scotland | | JL-DLR |
Pat Rodgers | | Scotland | | jollybhoy7 |
Kevin Frame | | Scotland | | kevlarAPAT |
Lorraine Johnston | | Scotland | | lojo30 |
Tom Clark | | Scotland | | LombBomb72 |
Mary Martin | | Scotland | | Mairs |
Michael Paterson | | Scotland | | mickypeeee |
Hillary Vipond | | Scotland | | Monkeypuzzleme |
Grant Speirs | | Scotland | | MrSheen67 |
Georgios Christoforakis | | Scotland | | MyNutsRBig |
AAndrew Galloway | | Scotland | | nomug |
Ben Burnhill | | Scotland | | OnlyNeed2 |
Peter Macritchie | | Scotland | | Peter1890 |
Hilary Vipond | | Scotland | | puzzletree |
Gordon McArthur | | Scotland | | RiggedOFC |
Ross McWilliams | | Scotland | | RMCW1 |
nirmal gidda | | Scotland | | Rupee4 |
scott wilson | | Scotland | | sc0t679 |
John Little | | Scotland | | Simples1872 |
nazar wrigley | | Scotland | | supernaz |
Christopher Likely | | Scotland | | The Likely Lad |
Ian McGoldrick | | Scotland | | The-Healer |
Adam Small | | Scotland | | TheKhatru |
darren thomas | | Scotland | | troonight1 |
David Blacklaw | | Scotland | | Well4ever |
PHIL HERTEL | | South East | | 4KSuited |
Matt Carter | | South East | | 5ugarFree |
Marian Jones | | South East | | andantemoto |
Keith Steffens | | South East | | Bagheira3 |
Clive Wooldridge | | South East | | ChiveyW |
Richard Baker | | South East | | curlarge55 |
DEIRDRE DIGGINS | | South East | | Dexterdeuc |
Ian Matthews | | South East | | GFC_Fan |
Mark Lassman | | South East | | jaytee1971 |
Joe Carr-Hill | | South East | | Joker1661 |
Lee Wyatt | | South East | | lpgn36 |
Dean Plumley | | South East | | MrPeee |
Karen Mead | | South East | | MrsLuiz |
Ian Thompson | | South East | | PABLES64 |
Debbie Kimm | | South East | | Quasar63 |
Richard Vernon | | South East | | Reg138 |
jo gregory | | South East | | scarlet77 |
alan steer | | South East | | teaulcsg1 |
John Murray | | South East | | TravMint |
Frank Moszkal | | South East | | tvpumps99 |
John Woodbridge | | South East | | w00dy66 |
Dave Howard | | South East | | Xzyzx |
Jonny Mawer | | South West | | beezleboss |
bob bulman | | South West | | bobbymouse |
frazer bolt | | South West | | caetus |
Andrew Drago | | South West | | EATLARD |
Mark Baker | | South West | | GRT8FLOP#1 |
Holly Lamb | | South West | | hollbeans |
sukanya panyadee | | South West | | ice1119 |
Darren Moore | | South West | | ISeeDead$$ |
John Patten | | South West | | Kloobes |
Steve Lavery | | South West | | lavski001 |
John Tice | | South West | | lawjohn |
Steve Archer | | South West | | LukeBox |
simon tolly | | South West | | meyun |
neil sillick | | South West | | NeilSlick |
Grant Saunders | | South West | | pokernuts07 |
Nurahan Harharah | | South West | | Rehan |
steve penfold | | South West | | sential |
Stuart Greenan | | South West | | sleeves141 |
stuart pillinger | | South West | | sm2000p |
Suzanne Hayward | | South West | | suzanne66 |
Tom Steuart-Feilding | | South West | | tfeilding |
Harvey McGivern | | South West | | thegamblershouse |
Patrick Kelly | | South West | | ThePaster |
Judi Edwards | | South West | | wilfuljoker |
Steve Harrison | | Wales | | azkals |
Martin Lloyd | | Wales | | bubbul771 |
Warren Jones | | Wales | | COOL_STORY |
Dyfan Jones | | Wales | | Delibradonk |
michael dobbs | | Wales | | dilligaf07 |
Darren Shallis | | Wales | | drowslash1 |
Leigh Wiltshire | | Wales | | Fortunatus |
Tom Slikboer | | Wales | | Kayden2012 |
Stephen Roderick | | Wales | | NCFCAPAT |
Gary Phillips | | Wales | | Penny4Them |
peter hire | | Wales | | phire3131 |
Jason Kemp | | Wales | | PokerGym |
Graham Wills | | Wales | | rivertaff7 |
Andrew Jones | | Wales | | roobarb10 |
Richard Rudling-Smith | | Wales | | rudders64 |
Sian Jones | | Wales | | Sianio |
Chris Clark | | Wales | | Thighs |
Anthony Williams | | West Midlands | | 1966ant |
Dave Allan | | West Midlands | | A5C0T |
Andrew Duncan | | West Midlands | | AJDUK34 |
Steve Redfern | | West Midlands | | AMRNapat |
Dan Dennehy | | West Midlands | | Badgery86 |
andrew barton | | West Midlands | | Barty1uk |
Debjani Duncan | | West Midlands | | Blowfly34 |
brian yates | | West Midlands | | BOINGBLITZ |
Craig Thompson | | West Midlands | | BrumieGreg |
Chris Dudley | | West Midlands | | cdudley12 |
Andy Overton | | West Midlands | | Cenword |
mark donnelly | | West Midlands | | dougal7878 |
David Griffiths | | West Midlands | | Drain1976 |
Chris Filus | | West Midlands | | Foggy |
Graham Gorton | | West Midlands | | M00CH |
Marcel Furet | | West Midlands | | marcelharry |
Rob Hewlitt | | West Midlands | | Moneyivey |
Steven Healey | | West Midlands | | NemetheOrc |
Cat Jones | | West Midlands | | onlyacat |
Paul Haycock | | West Midlands | | Pears-27 |
Adam Phelan | | West Midlands | | phelan88 |
Kevin Berrie | | West Midlands | | Pocketbez |
Duncan Hodgkins | | West Midlands | | runandskip |
Anthony Trippier | | West Midlands | | TONYTRIPPS |
Tod Wood | | West Midlands | | TRW1 |
Carl Whitehouse | | West Midlands | | WBA1968 |
Robert Gerrard | | West Midlands | | yamyam12 |
Paul Wilson | | Yorkshire | | _willow23_ |
Richard King | | Yorkshire | | 74sNuts! |
Stephen Brooke | | Yorkshire | | AcesSteve |
Adrian Long | | Yorkshire | | Adilong1 |
Dave Green | | Yorkshire | | allinbob11 |
Helen Godfrey | | Yorkshire | | AvonGirlP |
barry simpson | | Yorkshire | | baz1471 |
Gary Dawson | | Yorkshire | | Bearapat |
markus webster | | Yorkshire | | Bot_Buster |
Stephen Caine | | Yorkshire | | DodgerAPAT |
Michael Holmes | | Yorkshire | | FEFelson |
Kevin Stebbing | | Yorkshire | | HeroOO7 |
Chris Hiam | | Yorkshire | | Hi_am |
wayne parker | | Yorkshire | | Mr-Nosey-P |
marcin rejmak | | Yorkshire | | rejmakPL |
Kevin Shutt | | Yorkshire | | Repertoire |
Duncan Godfrey | | Yorkshire | | runadrum2 |
Andrew Dunn | | Yorkshire | | Sheff41 |
andrew dunn | | Yorkshire | | sheff443 |
Mark Gray | | Yorkshire | | sm3llyp00p |
David Thompson | | Yorkshire | | SolarPoker |
Kay Hollis | | Yorkshire | | UberCougar |
Andy Cowl | | Yorkshire | | Walwyn1 |
Sian Dyson | | Yorkshire | | Y0rkie74 |
zack fitton | | Yorkshire | | ZackF38 |