Hi All
Just played in the San Marino MTT.
I play as SJ40 and I won it tonight !!!!!!!!
Been on final table before when it was on Poker Stars, got 4th that time didn"t realise you won a medal so played to win that time.
Tonight played it slower and got my result. Not an easy MTT at all, final table was hard. 4 handed I was playing to see what happens and I wanted my medal like Mutley off "Catch The Pigeon".
Technolol - didn"t realise it was you Jack sorry when I busted you - I think it was me. Almost 5 hours of poker fun. $288 + points + i hope they still give out medals for the on-line series.
For all the old Poker Night Liver viewers then TheDoubleTop took it down tonight !!!
I am happy, having a beer/s as I type and going to stay up to watch Lewis win in Oz (hopefully).
I don"t play that many APAT on-line games, but been reading/re-reading my Harrington / Sklansky & new Full Tilt Poker Strategy Guide book and something must have sunk in or just got lucky.
Cheers All
Steven James Fortey aka SJ40