rite just like to say sorry for not updateing this page iv been ask to so many times and havent done it .so here wee go .
where do i start?ok .ray rtired 3 years ago due to bad health no power in my arms and legs and my eyesite .so i retired when i was 50 on docters orders .aparentlie your body changes when your 50.mine just dident change it stoped working.doctor.stop working ray and enjoy your very early retirement .ok.i will.so i did. i felt like crap for near 2 years could not do a dam thing .then as i start to get better the wife slipted a disc in her back and has left her with drop foot sindrum now shes on cruches for the rest of her live. hospital realy screwedup.then my mum takes bad.so into hospital she goes with mentil health problems tablit tablits tablits.runing back and forward every day every other day get me this get me that clothes more clothses .it was like been on a shopping spree everyday.6months later HOME .no more tablits tablits tablits .well the fist day home was all tears so glad to have her home in her little bunggalow. the second day.odear.i want tablits i need cream i want iwant iwant get me it now .then the doctor rings me. ray iv had your mum shoutting down the phone .its ok shes phoned me at least 25 times in 2 hours .opps.so we put in place nurses to look after her.hehe .first one comes in .mum. hoo the hell are you. im your day nurse .hehe .mum getout i dont need a nurse .rays phoned .your mum wont take her tablits.ok.ill be down sooooooon.ok mum neck these tablits .okson.just like that. okson.night time same thing.neck them.okson.now the nurses come at all difrent times difrent nurses thay havent a clue what they are doing they wont pick her tablits up from the cemist they wont take them out of a papaer bag they must be under lockandkey they dident no witch ones to give her .there in a tray its says morning tablit and night time tablits why cant yous do this. JOBS WORTH TWATS.round and round we go.and its still the same now it feels like im looking after the nurses aswell as mum. i help my wife when she needs me witch is not very often even shes in bad pain most of the time.she is a wonderful women could not have picked a better one.now is ray still playing cards very very little. thats it .now iv started getting my strengh back i still feel like im going round in a tumble dryer round and round we go.BUT wouldent change it. its a very hard chalenge to say the least.mum phones. rays shopping.if the wife shouts i run cos she now has 2 cruches to hit me with .ill be back laterenjoy your poker.