Hi all,
Ww didnt score any points on sunday but we did have have three players in the top 30.
Phil did well for us finishing in 8th place along with Gina and Helen so as a small team it looks promising.
Be positive and the points will come soon.
Here are the results from sunday

Matchday 2
Team Points
Pos Region Points
1 South West 5
2 Scotland 4
3 South East 3
4 Wales 2
5 Yorkshire 1
Individual Result
Position Name ID Region Points
1 Stephen Roderick NCFCAPAT Wales 25 25
2 Keith Steffens Bagheira3 South East 22 22
3 Suzanne Hayward suzanne66 South West 20 20
4 Adam Small TheKhatru Scotland 18 18
5 Anthony Trippier TONYTRIPPS West Midlands 16 16
6 Jonny Mawer beezleboss South West 14 14
7 Andy Cowl Walwyn1 Yorkshire 12 12
8 Philip Colls Spirey1 East Midlands 11 11
9 Ian McGoldrick The-Healer Scotland 10 10
10 Ian Matthews GFC_Fan South East 9 9
11 Stuart Greenan sleeves141 South West 9 9
12 Stephen Brooke AcesSteve Yorkshire 9 9
13 Mark Weddle APATMark North East 6 6
14 barry simpson baz1471 Yorkshire 6 6
15 Robert Gerrard yamyam12 West Midlands 6 6
16 alan bowden Stumps3266 North East 3 3
17 gerry thomas gerry54211 Scotland 3 3
18 peter hire phire3131 Wales 3 3
19 Gary Dawson Bearapat Yorkshire
20 Stephen Caine DodgerAPAT Yorkshire
21 Michael Willmore paddocks North East
22 johnny gibb Divits Scotland
23 craig dawson ZozzyApat North West
24 Pat Rodgers jollybhoy7 Scotland
25 Darren Moore ISeeDead$$ South West
26 Gina-Maria Weiss StarshineI East Midlands
27 Johan Fredrik Furuly theD0NKEY London
28 michael dobbs dilligaf07 Wales
29 John Lynn xRicayBoyx East of England
30 Helen Wilcox -HeadCase- East Midlands
South West 43pts
Scotland 31pts 3 scoring players
South East 31pts 2 scoring players
Wales 28pts
Yorkshire 27pts
West Midlands 22pts
East Midlands 11pts

North East 6pts