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Re: Noble Thoughts of a Sealander
« Reply #15 on: November 01, 2012, 21:19:06 PM »
Does Ralph Little play poker? Would APAT dare offer a place at the WCOAP  ;)
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Re: Noble Thoughts of a Sealander
« Reply #16 on: November 01, 2012, 21:22:58 PM »

Does Ralph Little play poker? Would APAT dare offer a place at the WCOAP  ;)

[color=purple]I do not know if he does, but even though would not help him, he could just play for himself, but not for Sealand  :"( as Sealand is not one of the Nations in WCOAP. If it would be, I would hope they choose me for their team as well[/color]
« Last Edit: December 03, 2012, 21:22:44 PM by Starshine »


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Re: Noble Thoughts of a Sealander
« Reply #17 on: November 01, 2012, 21:24:21 PM »

Does Ralph Little play poker? Would APAT dare offer a place at the WCOAP  ;)

I do not know if he does, but even though would not help him, he could just play for himself, but not for Sealand  :"( as Sealand is not one of the Nations in WCOAP. If it would be, I would hope they choose me for their team as well

You"d most certainly be Captain Gina  8)
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Re: Noble Thoughts of a Sealander
« Reply #18 on: November 01, 2012, 21:29:31 PM »

You"d most certainly be Captain Gina  8)

I would hope that one of the Princes plays poker and be the catpain  :)


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Re: Noble Thoughts of a Sealander
« Reply #19 on: November 02, 2012, 04:52:57 AM »
On the BBC News site today...
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Re: Noble Thoughts of a Sealander
« Reply #20 on: December 03, 2012, 21:21:38 PM »

Well I haven"t posted a while, and there aren"t many news bout poker though

I am unfortunately not doing well in the team cup  :"(  but it is not over yet  ;)

At the moment I am just busy with the pre xmas time and sorting some probs out,

so I hope ones this is all done, i will be back to post more and to play more


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Re: Noble Thoughts of a Sealander
« Reply #21 on: December 29, 2012, 21:34:35 PM »
Belated, but still from heart I wish everyone a very merry Christmas and a nice new years eve

I am belated as my Granddad died on the 2nd Christmas Day (december 26th)
and to prevent me from getting ask the awful question if any of us had an idea this may happen again, no we had not. Other than that I am aware that we all will die some day. Just because someone is ill, does not mean you have the idea and are prepared for when and that it will happen. So yes in a way I did know my Granddad will die sooner or later, does not mean that I really was prepared for it, and it really came out of sudden and was a shock.

My Granddad was ill, he had Alzheimer, and we been very close, so I am currently not in the best state ever. I wondered if he died on 2nd Christmas day as he liked christmas so much. this thought would comfort me. On the other hand I think he had really a bad timing. As to me condolences by example are always a thing to comfort the family and show respect to whom passed. But to die on Christmas showed me that you pretty much alone. Even close friends seem to be to busy to spare 1 or 2 mins for a condolence. Which is in a way understandable with all that cooking and whatever other things happen on Christmas. So the person who passes does not get at all the atention one deserves after a long life. Which I find really sad. So I wish my Granddad had died at another time.
« Last Edit: December 29, 2012, 22:29:48 PM by Starshine »


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Re: Noble Thoughts of a Sealander
« Reply #22 on: December 29, 2012, 22:09:05 PM »
Really sorry to hear about this Gina, my thoughts are with you at this sad time.


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Re: Noble Thoughts of a Sealander
« Reply #23 on: December 29, 2012, 23:08:21 PM »
Very sad news Gina, something that nobody can ever prepare for and probably made worse at this time of year. I"m sure your Grandad will now look down on you with a smile and not wish you any sorrow. My thoughts are with you, I wish you and your family some comfort and a brighter 2013 xXx
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Re: Noble Thoughts of a Sealander
« Reply #24 on: December 30, 2012, 00:03:05 AM »
Terrible news Gina, hope you find strength and my thoughts are with you x
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Re: Noble Thoughts of a Sealander
« Reply #25 on: February 08, 2013, 12:27:42 PM »

Thank you all ever so much for your condonlences xxx


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Re: Noble Thoughts of a Sealander
« Reply #26 on: February 08, 2013, 12:41:36 PM »
Does good support matter?
I wonder this sometimes, as it does to me really a big deal. But how important is a good support service for a pokerroom. Am I perhaps to fussy about?

Sometimes it really does upset me. Bossnetwork by example is in generell a rather bad support. There live support depends on whom you get. You might get lucky and you get someone who forwards your issue. Most times though you get someone who triest to be smart and uses google translation to reply to you in your mother language with the result that i really not have a clue what the person wants to say to me. Even if I go ahead talking in English (and my english is still better than the google translators german) they keep replying in whatever google thinks is german. Or they tell you sorry we are just for cashier problems, which not even can be as this is webdollar.
I still play on bossnetwork, as i like it, but the support there upsets me a big deal in times.

Another really good example is: I played in a tourney with 100player, well this 25K challenge semifinal, first of all it was said only 100 play semifinal, suddenly it been 101. Lucky me my starting table was 4 sitouters, and 3 players talking all time in a different language, and well some bits i could understand they been talking bout cards. It really not bothers me if this happens in a tourney with over 1000 players and a lot places. But 100 players, 20 qualify for the big tourney, this makes a big difference and is annoying. So well I contacted live support, bla bla bla. I wrote an email and this is the funniest answer i really ever got from support: Thank you for your understanding and keep in mind, if a player needs to chat in a different language in order to get an advantage, that means he is a weak player. So use that against him :)
Ermmm, well first of all, no I not have any understanding, so no need that someone thanks me for this. But is it this way, the terms and conditions of boss say only english. If someone does not it is still ok? And it doesn"t matter if they are cheating or not, cause actually it shows I am a bad player when I am to stupid to take advantage out of their weakness?
Oh and of course when I looked this morning, it wasn"t really a big surprise to me that 2 of them got a seat to the big tourney. I finished in the 20th so did not get, but at least was in long enough to enjoy their non english chat all way long.

So don"t get me wrong, I normally do not care if people chat non english or swear or whatever. When it comes close to the bubble or in a tourney like yesterday where it does matter I do care. I am pretty well aware that things can"t be changed for this special situation. But should not the pokerroom or network care?
And should not support really matter. After all we are the customers, without customers no job or am I seeing this wrong?


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Re: Noble Thoughts of a Sealander
« Reply #27 on: February 08, 2013, 13:31:31 PM »
I agree with you. I had the same thing on Wednesday night. There was tons of chat going on in what looked like some East European language. I saw the word "mint" at one point, which I assumed to be a reference to me. I tried to contact Live Support to get it stopped, but there was just a message saying that they were all busy and to try again in 10 minutes. I tried several times, with the same outcome each time. There was an option to send them an email, which I did. I am still waiting for answer to that. I wouldn"t usually bother, but there was a substantial prize for this game (a WSOP package) and there was nothing to stop what was going on. Although I played on APAT's room, I assume it was a general BOSS network tournament. It would seem that they are not bothered about this.
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Re: Noble Thoughts of a Sealander
« Reply #28 on: April 18, 2013, 14:24:20 PM »
I have noticed that I wasn"t logged in for ages.

I am just not incredibly focused on Poker atm. I missed the world online championsship, but as it was on Will hill and not on the apat pokerroom, i really could not bother to open another account. And i not have a WH account.

Occassionally I play, but there are to many things happening which upset me (not on the table) but it keeps my thoughts away from poker and damages a bit my concentration.

Soon I will go the 4th funeral within 9 month, and I have to admitt that this is now pretty tough.

I am usually even though incredibly sad when someone close to me dies, but still to the outside taking it pretty tough. I get upset bout those nice meant sentences like remember tears show love. Cause I wonder if this people mean I did not love the person who died just because I not cry in public. Every loss hits me incredibly but I am not really very good in this very extroverted moaning.

What helped me I notice is the way some people who call them friends I would guess do condolences. I find them even a bit offending, but perhaps I am just old fashioned. And can"t get used to the new rather snappy style of condolences at all. Honestly I would prefer no condolence more than a snappy one. But well if you have close friends and they do either snappy or just ignore it and do none, than both is upsetting and hurtful.

Yesterday a good friend of mine died unexptected. No that it really matters actually if someone dies unexpected or not. But actually I am still pretty upset that I was asked when my granddad died was this expected. I mean after a while you can ask people this. From my view as a first sentence of condolence i find this incredibly awful and not really kind. This is why i now always add unexpected or not to prevent me from this awful question.

I am ok I would say, incredibly sad, but ok. It was an awful shock though, and this friend, Erich is his name will leave a really big empty space in everyones life. Yesterday I was crying a lot, well at home ofc. But is ok now. I still took me the rest of the week off from work. As I did really with the last 3 just had maximum a day off plus a day for funeral, and i just need a bit time for myself.

Which does not mean i am starring at the wall with a sad face. I just wander around in my thoughts. Remembering the good moments and such.

Well and getting upset bout reactions ;-) but i think that is a good thing, keeps me less sad.

The death of my granddad already damaged some friendships, so this can"t be damaged worse now.

I notice lately that I get more and more upset about assumptions, even though yes even I make assumptions sometimes not even often, only seldom. Only when I do them, wow it seems like it is an armageddon. The last time I did was really the day after my granddad died, and i got so told off for this, how i could dare and such. And it wasn"t even what i would call really an assumption. I just assumed things which are normal, to learn they might be normal but aren"t. But I shall not complain as now I can feel myself how it is when others treat you based on assumptions or how they act or react and not thinking that I might do different. So I noticed that some people keep the contact less since my granddad died, and when I ask them I get told, I am sorry but I am not feeling well myself and am sad for what reason ever and I not have the strength for your sadness?????????????????????????????????

I than sit there and think what on Earth. How can someone say this? or even think this? Yes I am sad so what, I lost 4 people in 9 month. But except really on the day this happens I not let it affect my life much. If someone calls me or writes me, yes I might tell the news or might say I am sad. But never ever would I do this repeatedly or even tell how much I miss someone there or there or whatever. Of course I miss them, and will never forget them. But I just have the view I would dishonour the person would I just sit and cry all time, instead of thinking the good moments. It is people"s life we have to honour and celebrate, and keep it in us, so they will never be forgotte.

I hate selfpity, and am not good in it anyway. Telling sad things can be done just as fact. Without a lot sadness in it. So I feel a bit abandoned actually, if people not contact me cause they not can handle my sadness, without even knowing if I have one.

This is really awful.

I know this post not made much sense at all, or actually no sense. But I have no diary, so I treat this blog like a diary.

Thanks anyway to all who did take the time reading it, I do hope that more funny and nice posts are coming this year. Honestly it can"t get much worse.

Please do not think I am completely mad, I am just a thoughtwanderer atm :-)
« Last Edit: April 18, 2013, 14:47:40 PM by Starshine »


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Re: Noble Thoughts of a Sealander
« Reply #29 on: April 18, 2013, 14:37:52 PM »
Really...that formatting had me eyes bleeding.
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