Hi all, The Scots and the Welsh are Back!!!
A great result for them which puts the Scots top. This makes the league very interesting now.
We had another bad day at the office with Gina our only points scorer but we did have 5 players who did well until the 3rd break, anyway dont worry as we will (hopefully) score team points soon

By the way we and London havent scored yet so keep trying team

Here are the results from sundays game 3
Pos Region Points
1 Scotland 5
2 Wales 4
3 Yorkshire 3
4 South East 2
5 North West 1
Individual Result
Pos Name ID Region Points
1 Richard Rudling-Smith rudders64 Wales 25 25
2 Kevin Frame kevlarAPAT Scotland 22 22
3 Duncan Godfrey runadrum2 Yorkshire 20 20
4 Bill Sheppard SQR64Q North West 18 18
5 Craig Rattray El Diablo_ Scotland 16 16
6 Paul Turnstill Bethany1 East of England 14 14
7 John Woodbridge w00dy66 South East 12 12
8 Darren Shallis drowslash1 Wales 11 11
9 Anthony Trippier TONYTRIPPS West Midlands 10 10
10 DEIRDRE DIGGINS Dexterdeuc South East 9 9
11 alan bowden Stumps3266 North East 9 9
12 Helen Godfrey AvonGirlP Yorkshire 9 9
13 John Patten Kloobes South West 6 6
14 johnny gibb Divits Scotland 6 6
15 Frank Bailie cormach111 Ireland 6 6
16 Jason Kemp PokerGym Wales 3 3
17 Simon Alcock ivorbiggin East of England 3 3
18 Gina-Maria Weiss StarshineI East Midlands 3 3
19 David Pilkington cashman01 Ireland
20 wayne parker Mr-Nosey-P Yorkshire
21 kathryn johnson katos11 North East
22 alan steer teaulcsg1 South East
23 christopher kelly ckapat Scotland
24 Stephen Roderick NCFCAPAT Wales
25 Tom Clark LombBomb72 Scotland
26 Clive Wooldridge ChiveyW South East
27 Ian Matthews GFC_Fan South East
28 barry simpson baz1471 Yorkshire
29 paul thompson flaminheck North East
30 Lee Wyatt lpgn36 South East
Scotland 44pts
Wales 39pts
Yorkshire 29pts
South East 21pts
North West 18pts
East of England 17pts
West Midlands 10pts
Ireland 6pts
North East 9pts
South West 6pts
East Midlands 3pts