Communities > East Midlands

Season 6 , League 2, Seconds out , Round 4!


Hi team, hope all is well.
Good luck to all who are playing tonight, JP is in London and ive got to work tonight so i will struggle to play  :(
Lets try and score some points,
Chers, Capt Flash  ;)

out, sorry guys  :"( :"( :"(

13th for me

I miracle considering the complete lack of hands

After 8.15pm  77 was my best hand


--- Quote from: Spirey on October 28, 2012, 22:53:36 PM ---
13th for me

I miracle considering the complete lack of hands

After 8.15pm  77 was my best hand

--- End quote ---
so lucky 13 for you mate, well done and the player trophy points will extend your lead  :)


--- Quote from: Tiger-flash on October 29, 2012, 18:40:50 PM ---

--- Quote from: Spirey on October 28, 2012, 22:53:36 PM ---
13th for me

I miracle considering the complete lack of hands

After 8.15pm  77 was my best hand

--- End quote ---
so lucky 13 for you mate, well done and the player trophy points will extend your lead  :)

--- End quote ---

Well played Phil.

I will be back for next week doing my best to get some points


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