Hi all,
Thanks to all who played on sunday and even though we didnt score any points Phil Colls (Spirey) came in unlucky 13th and Ian Overson (TheDoofus77) came a creditable 19th. Anyway dont worry as our time will come. Im was gutted as i couldnt play (due to working nights) so it looks like that i will be a non playing captain in future but will play whenever i can

A great result for Suzanne and her South West team beating Yorkshire into second place.
Here are the results from sundays week 4

Pos Region Points
1 South West 5
2 Yorkshire 4
3 Scotland 3
4 South East 2
5 North West 1
Position Name ID Region Points
1 Stuart Greenan sleeves141 South West 25 25
2 Asa McGrath amcgrath1 North West 22 22
3 Mark Gray sm3llyp00p Yorkshire 20 20
4 Suzanne Hayward suzanne66 South West 18 18
5 DEIRDRE DIGGINS Dexterdeuc South East 16 16
6 christopher kelly ckapat Scotland 14 14
7 Ian McGoldrick The-Healer Scotland 12 12
8 Michael Willmore paddocks North East 11 11
9 Jo Sharp ninjajojo East of England 10 10
10 Adrian Long Adilong1 Yorkshire 9 9
11 Kay Hollis UberCougar Yorkshire 9 9
12 Ellen Gascoine xKWN24x London 9 9
13 Philip Colls Spirey1 East Midlands 6 6
14 Clive Wooldridge ChiveyW South East 6 6
15 Ute Mattejat Mattejat1 East of England 6 6
16 Paul Haycock Pears-27 West Midlands 3 3
17 PHIL HERTEL 4KSuited South East 3 3
18 Richard Baker curlarge55 South East 3 0
19 Ian Overson TheDoofus77 East Midlands 0 3
20 Grant Speirs MrSheen67 Scotland
21 Tom Slikboer Kayden2012 Wales
22 Ben Russell Toshiro42 North East
23 Colin McCarthy 147thinsy East of England
24 William Greenwood willy48 North East
25 Brian Frew Kronstdat1 Ireland
26 mike scothern Mikes9361 North West
27 Wolfgang Jaeger jackbauerT East of England
28 richard boyd TheSteal1 East of England
29 Simon Alcock ivorbiggin East of England
30 Rachel Lea Repgirl North West
South West 43pts
Yorkshire 38pts
Scotland 26pts
South East 25pts
North West 22pts
East of England 16pts
London 11pts
East Midlands 9pts

London 9pts
West Midlands 3pts