I"m never one to really complain about life etc etc.. The way I look at things is I have a amazing family, a roof above my head, awesome friends, food clothing etc etc etc.. and compared to some I"m spoilt in the riches of all these things.
But every now and then I have to admit that I do get angry/ probably more frustrated at what other people moan/complain about.. I shouldn"t feel sorry for myself and I sure as hell don"t want anyone to ever feel sorry for me regarding my disability!..
When I was younger and my muscles where a little stronger, I was able to work and in fact working was a blessing in disguise, I worked 40-60 hours a week as a chef and the long hours hard graft kept me going, and sure like most i found it mundane etc etc, I also was able to do mundane chores like cooking, cleaning, walking the dog although at my own slow pace I was ABLE to get it done..
Last week I got down in the dumps a little, what with the whole house getting the virus at some time meant that at one time or the other the kids where off school.. Now I know kids are kids and they don"t mean to complain to upset people, lets face it we where the same im sure at that age and they didn"t ask to be born lol (have to say this as its their great comeback), they get pocket money every week, and are expected to "help" out a little to earn it, e.g. Walk the dog, tidy bedrooms etc etc.. But just seemed to get nothing but complaints when they where asked to do them arguing between them on whos turn it was walk Lexi, do i have to tidy my room can I do later and so on, all the time me getting more and more frustrated that they are at least physically able to do it without a fuss grrrrr
Ironic I guess the simple things I used to also hate doing I now wish I could..
Febuary 1st was my princess Ava"s fourth birthday and the 5th was my Grandads 93rd, so last Sunday the whole family got together for lunch ( Emma had to stay at home with Millie as they had the bug!

).. Always nice to get the whole family together like that and was especially nice for my grandad..
Arthur Pilgrim (Woody to most).. Now I know everyone always say how much they love and respect their grandparents, and rightly so.. But hand on heart Woody is the person in my life who I can say without a shadow of a doubt I have the highest respect admiration for..
I could spend days blogging about him and the amazing stories from his life, but i wouldnt be able to fit it all in and do it all justice.. From his early days as a professional Speedway racer for Exeter, to his time spent in Italy fighting the war, to the time he spent in raising money for charity, his success in business, and his amazing respect gained by his family.. the list could go on and on a truly remarkable human being.. Who I"m going to miss incredibly much

sadly yesterday Woody passed away in his sleep.. It has yet to fully sink in yet but when it does I"m glad that i have such great support from family and friends.. I"m so grateful we all got time to see him last Sunday and he celebrated his 93rd on the Tuesday and he left us in his sleep in no discomfort..
R.I.P. Gandad I can"t begin to explain how much respect I hold for you in my heart xx
Poker.. My online poker is pretty much restricted to APAT games. Knockout cup, Bakers dozen and hopefully some sattelites into some WCOAP side events, with no great results of late just steady finishes to earn a few points for the team.. Will forget about last weeks Bakers dozen, decided to call a small pre flop raise with A7, something that I rarely do as I know it only causes trouble.. Flop.. A 7 8 with two diamonds we get it all in, I"m putting Alan on AK/ AQ maybe a flush draw, but he flips over 88

bad play by me should never of got involved pre flop the end!
Now most days I play the $2 n/l Omaha h/l on stars.. it is a re buy 90mins late reg and add on for 30,000 .. So I late reg at 1 hour 29 mins for the $2 depending on where your seated you can usually make the add on slot with not spending no more than $6 so effectively you go into the tournament with at least 33k.. But often can spin the 3k initial starting stack to 20-30k believe me it"s a crapshoot until the latter stages but if you use your position wisely and dont get involved in multi all in pots you can play pretty much normally there after..
I find that it is full of Russian maniacs, dunno what draws them there but believe me it gets messy very messy, but at the same time for a small investment the rewards can be great, have been lucky and won it a few times and there is always 1k+ up top, ( more on Sundays, and evenings).. So I hopped in yesterday did my usual late reg played well and ran my stack up 300k near the bubble, 81 got paid with $ 1,700 up top $1,100 second and $800 for third.. So managed to ladder to 27th and have 40k with blinds 20k/40k with antes so basically one BB and it"s my turn to post BB

bazinga get dealt AA24 and three callers and with antes manage to scoop pot not amazing still only 4 bigs, but manage to run it up to over 3 mill and make final table.. Eventually get 4 handed and they want to discuss a deal, I"m happy to, but I play on my IPad so I can"t press the discuss deal button, explain this so we agree to "sit out " and call for a floor man, but for some reason the sit out box has disappeared?? Now I don"t want to disc and re launch app in case I can"t get back in so we play on, get 3 handed and I"m slight CL, find AA25 shove and get called by BB with his AQ78!! Needless to say he scoops pot with a river flush for 17 mill pot.. Fight back to second in chips and then lose to same guy when he rivers straight, happy with third but could of been $900 more so also stung at the same time..
So with a heart tinged with sadness at the loss of a immense human being, I"m so so looking forward to the WCOAP my Grandad took keen interest in my poker and I"m going to try my damned hardest in the events I play to make him continue to make him proud as he looks on down upon us..