After a few drinks/shots which i obstained from, it was time to head back to the hotel for some well deserved rest..
Woke up at 11.30am on the Saturday, and treated ourselves to breakfast in bed

well what else do you expect from a World Champ jangle jangle, Steve and Tony where rumoured of having a champions breakfast in Frankies and Bennys.
Today it was HORSE, a tournament which i was really looking forward to, as i had missed Stud and i enjoy playing this both with OHL it was a must to play, only downside was that i was missing the PLO on Sunday

Maybe next season they can keep the PLO as the Monday game, also would be immense if they added a PLO/HL side event i know this would sell out in a heart beat..
As far as the HORSE went, well it started fine for me accumulated 2k pretty early on, then it seemed that the structure caught up with us all and one bad outdraw really ruined your whole tournament, played the HORSE last WCOAP and it seemed to be different? Dunno maybe it was just me but seemed to go in a flash, by no means i wish for this to sound derogitary but there where a few players on my table who just seemed to have no clue? Paul Mcguiness was on my table as was Matt Carter and could not believe some of the calls etc that was occuring, saying that i did get rather lucky in a Stud round chasing a flush to only make 2 pair

on 7th street.. so hey ho.. So after i exited there was no more poker that day for me, as the cash tourney had started..
Saturday evening was also the presentation of the APAT awards, i was nominated for APAT Player of the Season, a huge honor and was chuffed to bits to secure enough votes to win!! many thanks to the commity for the inclusion and many many thanks to all of those who voted for me, my trophy takes pride place along side my medals and bracelet.. Was great to see Suzy win breakthrough player of the year, David for his award of best performance/s outside of APAT, Lucy was so pleased and so very very proud.. And as for Paulie being inducted into the Hall of Fame what else can i add to what already has been said before so so deserved, his commitment has been second to none!! and seeing him fight back the odd tear on collection was a moving and awe inspiring moment i will always remember, Paulie i tip my hat to you sir may we see you for many more seasons to come..
Huge congrats to Steve for winning his second bracelet i cant wait to watch the vid when it is posted sounds exciting stuff!! After staying to rail the win it was another 12+ hour day gone by, need sleep to come refreshed for my attack on the ME Sunday..
Sunday is upon me, after sleeping like a log i felt refreshed and raring to go i was going to play my heart out i was so focused on a deep run.
So i sit down at my table and is greeted by some familiar faces, Adam Sharples, Cath Gartmann, Rita Galvin, Vik Mehta and after a bustout Peter Wigglesworth!! Holy crap what a tough table..
Vik Mehta in my opinion is one of the strongest players amongst the APAT community, a awesome player who i believe is a nailed on cert for a national title one season..
Adam got of to a flying start and we clashed many times in the early stages, with Adam getting the better of me on the whole, it was only a complete cooler that crippled Adam when he run his Kings into Aces and never really managed to rebuild his stack above the starting 15k..
Rita was very very unlucky just wasnt her day, she did nothing wrong in my eyes just got called down after milking a guy who had JT on a J high flop, her betting repped to me a large pair, and on showdown i announced she must have KK, indeed she had shame the guy hit the 10 on the river, it left her with a bowl of rice

.. on a side note it kinda makes me chuckle when after i announced Rita had KK, the villain then proceeds to blurt out, "yeah i put you on an overpair aswell".. ok good read so why keep calling when Rita was betting overpot size bets basically for your whole stack?
Then this hand played out between me and Peter, Pete had been very active peeling off many flops and C betting leading out etc etc.. I believe he had limped early and i found

mid position and raised 4xBB, cant remember levels was fairly early on.. Flop came

so Peter leads out a pot size bet i call turn was a blank, so Pete then bets large again probably just under pot.. Now im in a tough position has he flopped the flush? and protecting the board? or is he betting K and protecting board? now i think long and hard, and eventually after about 3 mins Pete calls the clock on me.. Now i think this was a mistake not because of sour grapes etc, i think he wanted me to fold so before the floor even made it to the table i called.. River was

making me 2 pair, ok doesnt really change much in fact it couldnt of made him broadway? .. So then he overbets the river 9,800!! basically leaving me with 1,300 chips if im wrong if i call.. So after another long hard thought i decided that he didnt have the flush it just didnt make sense to me the way he was betting from the flop, so if he had flopped a set or rivered a straight so be it nh etc etc.. Call... he announces 1 pair and doesnt show as i announce 2 pair, and a huge pot slides over to me.. Very next hand in a 4 way pot i double him back up he flops straight i flop 2 pair

i put him on a tilt flush draw and was wrong hey ho i was nicely chipped up..
Our table didnt break all day, and had numerous players join and exit through out the day, i had continued to chip up nicely and with my stack was able to get lets say a little "adventourous" one of the players who had joined our table was pretty active from the start but at the same time willing to fold to a raise, we had played a few pots previous and i think i must of won 90% of them from him..
Then this happened, blinds where 300/600 with antes he raised from UTG 2,400 everyone fold to me in the HJ.. i look down at

so decide to steal and make it 6,100, it works and after a shake of the head he releases his hand, i show the bluff (was setting up for a move prehaps later if i had the goods).. So very next hand it folds to me on the button and i look down at

and proceed to raise the same guys BB

perfect he puts in a big re raise, great hes making a tilt move!! i ship he instant calls and flips over

lol ooops flop comes K high all red turn is a heart so he sweats any K or any Heart, river is red but wrong shape

so all my hard work has been frittered away as a 90k+ pot moves his way.
Just to add to my pain after Alan Storey departed from my left his seat was filled with no other than Tod Wood!! great..
Basically i was card dead from there on and was dying a slow and painful poker death, just before the last few hands of the day i moved all in with 88 and was racing v KQ managed to run out with quads lol but still only had 10 bigs to play, oh well im gonna shove any picture card, PP in the next ten mins i have always got the HU to play on Monday.. well before i could do it after some slow and painful hands from the rest of the table Day had finished!! and i was coming back with 19,800 chips around 5 BB.. Oh well the dream of the hatrick is still on but only if i run incredible again on Sunday, bagged up my poultry amount and made it back to hotel for more sleep..
Woke up Monday checked out of hotel and went for lunch at the Mexican opposite F+Bs, stuffed myself with too much garlic bread

must of stunk to high heaven, this could work for my favour lol..
Now it being April fools day when i looked on forum thread and saw that all 64 remaining players had got paid i thought it was a joke!!.. but no on chatting with Des it was correct a decision that DTD and he had made yippie i had cashed
Now could i spin my 19k up and make a run or would i bust and join the HU? time will tell it was going to be messy thats for sure

.. First hand in lady to my left doubled up with AA v TT nothing much strange you may think? but if rumours where correct i belive she doubled up last hand of day1 with AA MBN lol..
So hadnt played with any of the players on my table before, had Dan Williams to my right and knew he had a good game, the rest i hadnt a clue? not that it really mattered i had just one move and one move only ALL IN!!
First all in i picked up the blinds and antes with KT after everyone folded, and was up to the giddy heights of 24k!!.. then next it was blind on blind i shoved with the mighty J2

and managed to bink the 2 on turn to beat A6..Wiii above 50k..
Two hands later get dealt AA now because i had shoved every hand i decided to do the same hoping for a call maybe a x3 raise would of looked to strong? anyhows everyone had folded and just picked up blinds and antes again
So was at my highest chip count of whole tournament 60k!! average was 135k one more time and i was in with a chance..Then the hand that ended the dream occured basically it was a re run of a early situation and was folded around to me in the sb, i look down at K2 of clubs and ship all in BB snaps with QJ he had 46k behind so was standard call, flop came K*j turn J river blank so i was felted and running on fumes.. made it almost another orbit and we got the rest in blind on blind he had KT i had K6 we both flopped our kickers but i couldnt suck a 2 outer and i was gone as my hatrick dream too.. £225 was banked -10% i had swapped so i cant complain had a profitable series..
Said my goodbyes to all that where left behind and drove back to silly Suffolk...
Well thats the end of season 6.. WOW an unbelievable season for me, if anyone would of ever said i would win 1 National title and Gold medal in all the years i play APAT events i would of snapped their arms off!! So as you can imagine i still need pinching every now and then when i cast my eyes on the shelf with my medals etc on

Have to say a huge huge thankyou to Des, Leigh, Matt all the others Ian,Paulie Ger Phil etc etc that makes APAT the success it is and of course the members who are in a league of their own..
Bring on Season 7 and more fun events and meet ups with my special APAT freinds..

Will be playing the Southend leg of the GPS in August really looking forward to this, and i may venture into my first staking request, will announce nearer the date once im registered, getting excited already....
Enough Pilgrim ramble for now and eagerly await the season7 announcement..