I make it level 5 ? so roughly 2hrs 15mins played. Trying not to be too harsh Phil but you really should have better reads than this on the individual players at your table.
You"re right Brendan. I deduced they were all Portuguese. Apart from Curly
As played CRAI - this hand is really simple. The flat is sort of OK btw (much better than a min raise) although a shove is still much better. What was you plan on a flop of:-
A-9-4 or
PS - for fun equity please tell me he had a two and a three that would be too good *lol*
*lol* 2/3 would have been comic genius.. although it was bad enough the first time
As played... I LOVED the flop, checked, and waited for a bet to shove over... that never came... check... check.. bad times... wishing I"d just shoved it first
Turn comes 9. Still happy.
Board now 9 10 3 3
First to act.. checked again as saw initial raiser glance down at chips. Check from limper, bet of small amount of 1.5k by initial raiser.
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