Communities > Wales

League - match 7

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DodgyEnd (Tom
Come on guys,

we got some points this week; hope to see more players next week!!

Top 4 still playing at this moment; NCFCAPAT (Steve) still in with a healthy stack, I finally managed to get 5th after some deep runs that ended around the 20th-25th place in the last 3 weeks.

Time for bed as I have to get up early... tomorrow morning I"ll hopefully see that Steve took the win home!

DodgyEnd (Tom
and 2 minutes later he is HU with the chiplead. Go go go!!
I"m staying awake now :)

DodgyEnd (Tom
YES!!!! 2nd win!


Ran well tonight to win it, hit some cards in some important spots as you always need to do when you win one.

Very well done to Dodgyend (Kayden2012) for his fifth place, sorry I did not acknowledge you at the table I was multi-tabling at the time so was not saying much in the chat.

One less good thing though:

I was a bit disappointed to see the comments of another Welsh player in the chat box during the tournament. At the beginning I misclicked when trying to 3-bet and ended up raising all-in (to about 4.5K from a raise to about 150). He commented "learn to play" I took the comment as tongue in cheek until I later noticed some other comments he made directed at other players.

Can I just say there is no room for this in an APAT event and I feel when one of our players does this it let"s the Region and APAT as a whole down. I am not going to name the player, he is not an APAT reg, but if he reads this (you know who you are) I hope he will reconsider this kind of action. I know a lot of people have done this and he might just be having a laugh and mean nothing by it (more than likely) but I still don"t think an APAT members only tournament is the right place for it.

Thanks to everybody who played tonight and let"s try and get the turnouts up, we can still nick third place here.

DodgyEnd (Tom
Thx! And no problem for not chatting... I assumed you were to busy with winning the tournament :)

Sorry to hear about those comments. I haven"t been a member of APAT for that long (unfortunately not attended a live tournament yet, but that will soon change), but all the tournaments I"ve played so far are filled with nice guys and friendly characters. I enjoy playing the league so much and the atmosphere around is what keeps me coming back to play.

And for next week: PLEASE ALL PLAY GUYS!!! We need the points.


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