Communities > Wales
League - match 8 (Sunday 25th)
--- Quote from: DodgyEnd on November 25, 2012, 21:58:32 PM ---
3 players left in the last 27:
phire3131 in 6th
Penny4Them in 10th
Kayden 2012 in 17th
we sadly lost NCFCAPAT.
Let"s get some points!
--- End quote ---
Good effort all around guy"s very well played to you all.
Come on Mr Dodgey (sorry forgot your name) do a win
DodgyEnd (Tom
It"s Tom...
hopefully I can get a few spots better so that we can maybe take 1 point.
2 FT"s in a row feels good, too bad I"m the shortie
DodgyEnd (Tom
bah 7th place, not enough to get us some points...
2 more weeks to go guys!!
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